Age of Empires 2 is an old game, but people have been playing it forever.
So, when you wonder how some players can command so many units so quickly, chances are they had a lot more time than you to learn all the hotkeys of the game.
Imagine how much time you can save by instantly selecting where a villager must go, and then what the other villager must build.
Each second save is a second your units will be doing something else. Since each second counts, you better learn at least some of the commands below to increase your chances of winning.
The Hotkeys List

In the Definitive Edition, most of the default key bindings for selected objects bear resemblance to the arrangement of keys on a standard keyboard.
This is what we usually call Grid Commands in RTS games.
For instance, the hotkey designated for the action located at the top-left corner is ‘Q’, while the hotkey for the subsequent action to its right is ‘W’, and so forth.
Top Row | Q | W | E | R | T |
Middle Row | A | S | D | F | G |
Bottom Row | Z | X | C | V | B |
That is how all the commands become accessible to your left hand while you click around to do what you need.
That said, if you still need a detailed list of AoE2 Hotkeys in different contexts, we’ve got you covered.
Check below the complete list of hotkeys of default hotkeys for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition. The categories are listed in alphabetic order for your convenience.
All Units
Command | Hotkey |
Delete Unit | Delete |
Delete All Selected Units | Shift + Delete |
Garrison | T |
Stop | G |
Archery Range
Command | Hotkey |
Archer, Crossbowman, Arbalest (archers) | Q |
Skirmister, Elite Skirmisher | W |
Cavarly Archer, Heavy Cavalry Archer | E |
Hand Cannoneer, Slinger | R |
Genitour | F |
Slinger (Tec: Arrowslits – CP) | R |
Crossbowman, Arbalester | A |
Tech: Elite, Imperial Skirmisher | S |
Tech: Heavy Cavalry Archer | D |
Tech: Elite Genitour | V |
Tech: Thumb Ring | Z |
Parthian Tactics | C |
Elephant Archer | E |
Tech: Elite Elephant Archer | D |
Command | Hotkey |
Milita, Man-at-Arms, etc. | Q |
Spearman, Pikeman, Halberdier | W |
Condottiero (Huskarl in HD) | E |
Huskarl | R |
Eagle Warrior, Elite Eagle Warrior | R |
Tech: Swordsmen Upgrades | A |
Tech: Pikeman, Halberdier | S |
Tech: (Elite) Eagle Warrior | F |
Tech: Supplies | Z |
Tech: Squires | X |
Tech: Arson | C |
Command | Hotkey |
Tech: Melee Attack Upgrades | Q |
Tech: Arrow Attack Upgrades | A |
Tech: Infantry Armor Upgrades | W |
Tech: Cavalry Armor Upgrades | E |
Tech: Archer Armor Upgrades | S |
Command | Hotkey |
Set Gather Point | T |
Remove Gather Point | Tec: Heresy (CP) | T |
Go Back to Work | F |
Unload/Ungarrison | Q |
Lock/Unlock Gate | Tec: Illumination (CP) | Q |
Ungarrison | G |
Command | Hotkey |
Click-Drag Scroll | / |
Scroll Down | Down |
Scroll Left | Left |
Scroll Right | Right |
Scroll Up | Up |
Zoom In | Wheel Up |
Zoom Out | Wheel Down |
Zoom In | Ctrl “+” = |
Zoom Out | Ctrl “+” – |
Reset Zoom | Ctrl “+” Backspace |
Return to Previous View | Backspace |
Command | Hotkey |
Build Unique Unit | Q |
Build Trebuchet | W |
Petard | E |
Elite Kipchak (Tec: Guard Tower, Keep – CP) | R |
Flaming Camel (Tec: Murder Holes – CP) | D |
Elite Unique Unit (Tec: Cavalry Armor Upgrades – CP) | A |
Unique Imperial Technology (Tec: Town Watch – CP) | D |
Unique Castle Technology (Tec: Loom – CP) | S |
Hoardings (Tec: Wheelbarrow – CP) | Z |
Sappers | X |
Conscription | F |
Spies/Treason | V |
Command | Hotkey |
Send Chat Message | Enter |
Review Chat Messages Backward | Page Up |
Review Chat Messages Forward | Page Down |
Review Event Messages Backward | Ctrl+Page Up |
Review Event Messages Forward | Ctrl+Page Down |
Control Groups
Command | Hotkey |
Create Group #1 | Ctrl+1 |
Create Group #2 | Ctrl+2 |
Create Group #3 | Ctrl+3 |
Create Group #4 | Ctrl+4 |
Create Group #5 | Ctrl+5 |
Create Group #6 | Ctrl+6 |
Create Group #7 | Ctrl+7 |
Create Group #8 | Ctrl+8 |
Create Group #9 | Ctrl+9 |
Create Group #10 | Ctrl+0 |
Create Group #11 | Ctrl+Alt+1 |
Create Group #12 | Ctrl+Alt+2 |
Create Group #13 | Ctrl+Alt+3 |
Create Group #14 | Ctrl+Alt+4 |
Create Group #15 | Ctrl+Alt+5 |
Create Group #16 | Ctrl+Alt+6 |
Create Group #17 | Ctrl+Alt+7 |
Create Group #18 | Ctrl+Alt+8 |
Create Group #19 | Ctrl+Alt+9 |
Create Group #20 | Ctrl+Alt+0 |
Select Group #1 | 1 |
Select Group #2 | 2 |
Select Group #3 | 3 |
Select Group #4 | 4 |
Select Group #5 | 5 |
Select Group #6 | 6 |
Select Group #7 | 7 |
Select Group #8 | 8 |
Select Group #9 | 9 |
Select Group #10 | 0 |
Select Group #11 | Alt+1 |
Select Group #12 | Alt+2 |
Select Group #13 | Alt+3 |
Select Group #14 | Alt+4 |
Select Group #15 | Alt+5 |
Select Group #16 | Alt+6 |
Select Group #17 | Alt+7 |
Select Group #18 | Alt+8 |
Select Group #19 | Alt+9 |
Select Group #20 | Alt+0 |
Select & Center Group #1 | Ctrl+Shift+1 |
Select & Center Group #2 | Ctrl+Shift+2 |
Select & Center Group #3 | Ctrl+Shift+3 |
Select & Center Group #4 | Ctrl+Shift+4 |
Select & Center Group #5 | Ctrl+Shift+5 |
Select & Center Group #6 | Ctrl+Shift+6 |
Select & Center Group #7 | Ctrl+Shift+7 |
Select & Center Group #8 | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
Select & Center Group #9 | Ctrl+Shift+9 |
Select & Center Group #10 | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Select & Center Group #11 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 |
Select & Center Group #12 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2 |
Select & Center Group #13 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 |
Select & Center Group #14 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+4 |
Unit | Shortcut |
Fishing Ship | Q |
Transport | W |
Trade Cog | E |
Galley, War Galley, Galleon | R |
Demolition Ship, Heavy Demolition Ship | Q |
Fire Ship, Fast Fire Ship | W |
Cannon Galleon | E |
Unique Warships | R |
Tech: Gillnets | A |
Tech: Careening, Dry Dock | S |
Tech: War Galley, Galleon | F |
Tech: Heavy Demolition Ship | A |
Tech: Fast Fire Ship | S |
Tech: (Elite) Cannon Galleon | D |
Tech: Shipwright | D |
Tech: Elite Unique Ship | F |
Economic Build Menu
Building | Hotkey |
House | Q |
Mill | W |
Mining Camp | E |
Lumber Camp | R |
Dock | T |
Farm | A |
Blacksmith | S |
Market | D |
Monastery | F |
University | G |
Town Center | Z |
Wonder | X |
Feitoria | H |
Caravanserai | H |
More Buildings | V |
Fishing Ship Build
Command | Hotkey |
Fish Trap | Q |
Rebuild Fish Trap (Tec: Redemption – CP) | Z |
Toggle Automatic Fish Trap Rebuilding | X |
Game Commands
Command | Hotkey |
Flare | Alt+F |
Pause Game | F3 |
Save Game | F2 |
Save Chapter | F4 |
Go-To/Cycle Commands
Command | Hotkey |
Go to Mill | Ctrl+I |
Go to Mining Camp | Ctrl+G |
Go to Lumber Camp | Ctrl+Z |
Go to Dock | Ctrl+D |
Go to Blacksmith | Ctrl+S |
Go to Market | Ctrl+M |
Go to Monastery | Ctrl+Y |
Go to University | Ctrl+U |
Go to Town Center | H |
Go to Town Center (2) | Extra Button 1 |
Go to Barracks | Ctrl+B |
Go to Archery Range | Ctrl+A |
Go to Stable | Ctrl+L |
Go to Siege Workshop | Ctrl+K |
Go to Castle | Ctrl+V |
Go to Krepost | Auto reseeding farms (CP) | Ctrl+T |
Go to Next Idle Military Unit | , |
Go to Next Idle Military Unit (2) | Unassigned |
Go to Next Idle Villager | . |
Go to Next Idle Villager (2) | Extra Button 2 |
Go to Selected Object | Space |
Go to Last Notification | Home |
Go to Last Notification (2) | Middle Button |
Go to King | Tec: Siege Engineers (CP) | Ctrl+Alt+, |
Go to Donjon | Tec: Treadmill Crane (CP) | Ctrl+N |
Lumber Camp
Command | Hotkey |
Tech: Wood Upgrades | Q |
Command | Hotkey |
Trade Cart | Q |
Tech: Caravan | W |
Tech: Coinage, Banking | E |
Tech: Guilds | R |
Sell 100 Food | D |
Sell 100 Wood | S |
Sell 100 Stone | F |
Buy 100 Food | C |
Buy 100 Wood | X |
Buy 100 Stone | V |
Command | Hotkey |
Objectives | F6 |
Display Technology Tree | F5 |
Chat Dialog | F7 |
Diplomacy | F8 |
Menu | F10 |
Display Options Screen | Go to Krepost (CP) |
Military Build Menu
Building Name | Shortcut |
Barracks | Q |
Archery Range | W |
Stable | E |
Siege Workshop | R |
Outpost | A |
Palisade Wall | S |
Stone Wall | D |
Tower | F |
Bombard Tower | G |
Gate | Z |
Palisade Gate | X |
Rotate Gate Clockwise | Ctrl+Wheel Up |
Rotate Gate Counterclockwise | Ctrl+Wheel Down |
Castle | C |
Krepost | Go to Donjon (CP) | T |
Military Units
Command | Hotkey |
Attack Move | R |
Patrol | Q |
Guard | W |
Follow | E |
Aggressive | A |
Defensive | S |
Stand Ground | D |
No Attack | F |
Line | Z |
Box | X |
Staggered | C |
Flank | V |
Build (Serjeant) | B |
Change Weapon | B |
Command | Hotkey |
Reseed Farm | R |
Tech: Farm Upgrades | Q |
Toggle Automatic Farm Reseeding | T |
Mining Camp
Technology | Shortcut |
Tech: Gold Upgrades | Q |
Tech: Stone Upgrades | W |
Command | Hotkey |
Monk | Q |
Missionary | V |
Tech: Redemption | W |
Tech: Atonement | E |
Tech: Fervor | R |
Tech: Sanctity | A |
Tech: Faith | S |
Tech: Illumination | D |
Tech: Block Printing | F |
Tech: Heresy | Z |
Tech: Theocracy | X |
Tech: Herbal Medicine | C |
Command | Hotkey |
Convert | Q |
Heal | W |
Drop Relic | Q |
Select Commands
Command | Hotkey |
Select all Military Buildings | Ctrl+Shift+Space |
Select all Docks | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Select all Barracks | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Select all Archery Ranges | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Select all Stables | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Select all Siege Workshops | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Select all Castles | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Select all Kreposts | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Select all Donjons | Disabled |
Select all Monasteries | Ctrl+Shift+Y |
Select all Town Centers | Ctrl+Shift+H |
Select all Markets | Tec: Heated Shot (CP) |
Select all Blacksmiths | Tec: Masonry, Architecture (CP) |
Select all Universities | Tec: Chemistry (CP) |
Select all Land Military Units | Tec: Range Attack Upgrades (CP) |
Select all Idle Villagers | Tec: Melee Attack Upgrades (CP) |
Select all Visible Land Military Units | Tec: Archer Armor Upgrades (CP) |
Select all Idle Trade Carts | Tec: Infantry Armor Upgrades (CP) |
Select all Idle Land/Naval Military Units | Ctrl+, |
Select all Trade Carts/Cogs | Ctrl+Alt+. |
Serjeant Build Menu
Command | Hotkey |
Donjon | T |
Command | Hotkey |
Toggle Friend or Foe Colors | Alt+G |
Display Statistics | Alt+S |
Display Game Time | F11 |
Mini-map Economic Mode | Alt+R |
Mini-map Combat Mode | Alt+C |
Mini-map Normal Mode | Alt+N |
Slow Down Game | Num- |
Speed Up Game | Num+ |
Toggle Visual Grid | Alt+Shift+G |
Toggle Health Bar | Tec: Fortified Wall (CP) |
Toggle Extended Tooltips | F1 |
Siege Units
Command | Hotkey |
Unpack | Q |
Pack | W |
Attack Ground | T |
Siege Workshop
Command | Hotkey |
Battering Ram, Capped Ram, Siege Ram | Q |
Mangonel, Onager, Siege Onager | W |
Scorpion, Heavy Scorpion | E |
Bombard Cannon | R |
Siege Tower | V |
Capped, Siege Ram | A |
(Siege) Onager | S |
Heavy Scorpion | D |
Armored Elephant | Q |
Siege Elephant | A |
Spectator/Replay Commands
Command | Hotkey |
Replay Speed Down | Num- |
Replay Speed Up | Num+ |
Set Speed to Default | Ctrl+Up |
Set Speed to Extra Fast | Ctrl+Right |
Set Speed to Fast | Ctrl+Down |
Set Speed to Slow | Ctrl+Left |
Watch Gaia | Ctrl+Shift+F9 |
Watch Player One | Ctrl+Shift+F1 |
Watch Player Two | Ctrl+Shift+F2 |
Watch Player Three | Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Watch Player Four | Ctrl+Shift+F4 |
Watch Player Five | Ctrl+Shift+F5 |
Watch Player Six | Ctrl+Shift+F6 |
Watch Player Seven | Ctrl+Shift+F7 |
Watch Player Eight | Ctrl+Shift+F8 |
Unit | Shortcut |
Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar | Q |
Knight, Cavalier, Paladin (knights) | W |
Camel, Heavy Camel | E |
Battle Elephant, Elite Battle Elephant | R |
Tarkan | Tec: Sanctity (CP) |
Steppe Lancer | Tec: Ballistics (CP) |
Tech: Light Cavalry, Hussar | A |
Tech: Cavalier, Paladin | S |
Tech: Heavy, Imperial Camel Rider | D |
Tech: Battle Elephant, Steppe Lancer | F |
Tech: Bloodlines | Z |
Tech: Husbandry | X |
Xolotl Warrior | Q |
Shrivamsha Rider | W |
Tech: Elite Shrivamsha Rider | S |
Tech: Elite Battle Elephant | Tech: Advance to next age (inactive) (CP) |
Town Center
Command | Hotkey |
Villager | Q |
Flemish Militia | W |
Ring Town Bell | B |
Tech: Loom | A |
Tech: Wheelbarrow, Hand Cart | S |
Tech: Town Watch, Town Guard | D |
Tech: Age Up | Z |
Technology | Hotkey |
Tech: Masonry | Q |
Tech: Architecture | Q |
Tech: Treadmill Crane | W |
Tech: Heated Shot | E |
Tech: Ballistics | R |
Tech: Chemistry | T |
Tech: Siege Engineers | A |
Tech: Arrowslits | G |
Tech: Murder Holes | S |
Tech: Tower Upgrades | F |
Tech: Fortified Wall | D |
Tech: Bombard Tower | T |
Command | Hotkey |
Economic Buildings | F |
Military Buildings | W |
Repair | E |
Cancel Build | B |