Humankind is a complex game with many interesting insights and inspirations based on history.
There are ten different historical cultures per era — after the Neolithic era that you start in — and players must consider their Legacy Traits when strategizing their Empire’s path towards victory.
Legacy Traits work as unique characteristics of each culture that intend to simulate the advantages and advances of the civilizations represented in the game.
Understanding Legacy Traits is just one of the many tips for Humankind beginners that can make a huge difference on the long run.
But what do Legacy Traits do? How do they work? Here you will find the answer to that and a complete guide to all Legacy Traits in Humankind.
How Legacy Traits Work
Legacy Traits are features that provide bonuses. They work as a passive ability that is added to your Empire, such as Unit Modification, Lower Cost, Extra Resources, and more.
For instance, the Olmecs’ Natural Harmony Legacy Trait provides a +1 Influence bonus on Territory, and it also adds the Emblematic District Olmec Head to the player’s possible constructions. Another example is the Khmers’ Servants of Magnificence Legacy Trait, which grants +3 Industry on Markers Quarter.
Legacy Traits are not lost when an Empire adopts a new culture, which means that Empires will combine Legacy Traits of all their cultures when they advance to a new Era.
Here are the Legacy Traits of all Cultures throughout all Eras of Humankind:
All Legacy Traits in Humankind
Neolithic Era
Nomadic Tribe | Neolithic | +1 Industry per Population on a City or Outpost +1 Food per Population on a City or Outpost +1 Science per Population on a City or Outpost |
Ancient Era
Assyrians | Raid Masters | +1 Land Movement Speed on Unit +5 Combat Strength bonus when Ransacking on Army |
Babylonians | Brilliant Philosophers | +2 Science per researched technologies on Capital |
Egyptians | Grand Planners | +1 Industry on Tile producing Industry -10% on District Industry cost |
Harappans | Fertile Inundations | +1 Food on Tile producing Food Food +1 Food on River |
Hittites | Lust for War | +1 Combat Strength |
Mycenaeans | Brutal Upbringing | -20% on Unit Industry Cost +25% experience on creating Units on a City or Outpost |
Nubians | Golden Dreams | +5 Money on Luxury Resource deposit +5 Money on Strategic Resource deposit |
Olmecs | Natural Harmony | +1 Influence on Territory |
Phoenicians | Trading Pioneers | +2 Money per Traders on a City or Outpost |
Zhou | Harmonious Thought | +2 Stability on District |
Classical Era
Achaemenid Persians | Cyrus’ Shadow | +2 City Cap +2 Stability on a City or Outpost |
Aksumites | Horn of Plenty | +2 Money on Tile producing Money |
Carthaginians | Hard Bargainers | -25% on all Constructible Buyout costs |
Celts | Druidic Lore | +2 Food per Farmers on a City or Outpost |
Goths | Classical | +10 Combat Strength from Ransacking on Unit +2 Influence on Garrison |
Greeks | Socratic Methods | +2 Science per Researchers on a City or Outpost |
Huns | Formidable Steeds | +2 Combat Strength on Cavalry Units |
Mauryans | Guiding Light | +1 Influence on Emblematic District -10% on Attach Outpost cost |
Maya | Tireless Spirit | +2 Industry per Workers on a City or Outpost |
Romans | Legion’s Finest | +1 Unit slot available for each Army -30% Army Upkeep on Army |
Medieval Era
Aztecs | Huitzilopochtli’s Legacy | +2 Land Movement Speed on Units -20% on Units Industry Cost |
Byzantines | Master of Whispers | +5% Money per Alliance on all Cities |
English | Serfs’ Labor | +7 Food per number of attached Territories on a City or Outpost |
Franks | Crown Lands | +10% Influence |
Ghanaians | Life of Luxury | +5 Money per Number of accesses to Luxury Resources +5 Money per Number of accesses to Strategic Resources |
Khmer | Servants of Magnificence | +3 Industry on Markers Quarter |
Mongols | Mounted Mayhem | 100% ransack on Army |
Norseman | Stormborn | +3 Naval Movement Speed on Naval Units +2 Combat Strength on Naval Units |
Teutons | Spurred by Faith | +1 Money per State Religion Follower +1 Science per State Religion Follower |
Umayyads | Learned Friends | +5% Science per Alliance on all Cities |
Early Modern Era
Dutch | Stock Wisdom | +1 Money per Population on all Cities |
Edo Japanese | Shogun’s Authority | +1 Influence per Population on City or Outpost |
Haudenosaunee | Land of Plenty | +1 Food on Exploitation |
Joseon | Hall of Worthies | +3 Science on Tile producing Science |
Ming | Grand Secretariat | -25% to the cost of enacting Civic -25% to the cost of revoking Civic +1 Influence on Territory |
Mughals | Imperial Magnificence | +2% Industry per number of Territories in your Sphere of Influence on Capital |
Ottomans | Supremacy of Fire | -50% on Heavy Weapon Industry cost +3 Strength Combat Strength on Heavy Weapon |
Poles | Deadly Ramparts | +10 Fortification on District +2 Stability on District |
Spanish | Honor and Glory | +3 Combat Strength on Units starting their turn in a non-allied Territory |
Venetians | Silver Tongues | +1 Money per number of Trade Routes on City or Outpost +2 Money Money per number of Naval Trade Routes on City or Outpost |
Industrial Era
Austro-Hungarians | Emperor’s Hand | +1 Influence on District +1 Influence on Emblematic District |
British | Colonial Riches | +10 Money per number of attached Territories on Capital +10 Science per number of attached Territories on Capital |
French | Enlightened Thinking | +10% Science on all Cities |
Germans | Iron Ordnance | +3 Combat Strength on Naval Unit +3 Combat Strength on Air Unit -20% on Unit Industry Industry cost |
Italians | Inspiring Virtuosos | +10 Stability on Stability Commons Quarter +1 Influence on Stability Commons Quarter -50% on Commons Quarter Industry Industry cost |
Mexicans | Fields of Gold | +10% Food on all Cities |
Persians | Mighty Works | -25% Industry cost to Shared Project ‘-25% Industry cost to all Constructables |
Russians | Land and Glory | +10 experience on creating Unit per number of attached Territories on all Cities +10 War Support increased when capturing a City on Relations |
Siamese | Gilded Orchids | +3 Industry per District on all Cities +1 Money generated from on-going Trade on all Cities |
Zulu | Warrior’s Pride | +50% Health regeneration on Unit +2 Combat Strength on Units starting their turn in an allied Territory |
Contemporary Era
Americans | American Exceptionalism | +10 Influence on Resources being sold +1 Money generated from on-going Trade on City or Outpost |
Australians | Dream Weavers | +20% Industry on all Cities |
Brazilians | Lungs of the Planet | +3 Food on Tile Producing Food |
Chinese | Silk Railroad | +10% Money on all Cities |
Egyptians | Valley of Kings | +4 Influence on Emblematic District |
Indians | Economic Elephant | +3 Influence on Territory +10 Money per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence |
Japanese | Blossoming Innovation | -20% on all Technology cost when researching |
Soviets | Red Tide | -20% on Unit Industry cost +3 Combat Strength on Unit |
Swedes | Prize Science | +1 Science per District on all Cities +3 Science on Science Research Quarter |
Turks | People’s Reforms | +1 Food per Population on all Cities |
Final Thoughts
Knowing how Legacy Traits work and using them to guide your strategies might help you earn Era Stars faster.
Making good use of Legacy Traits and combining them to make sure your Empire is stable and powerful might be a good way to win a game of Humankind.
Now, go play a few games and try to find out what combination of Legacy Traits works better for you!