How to Play Sojourn in Overwatch 2
Sojourn is a damage dealer in Overwatch 2 with a powerful and flexible kit. As one of former captains of Overwatch, she’s tactical, reliable, and discipli...
Sojourn is a damage dealer in Overwatch 2 with a powerful and flexible kit. As one...
How to Play Orisa in Overwatch 2
In Overwatch, Orisa’s original kit was focused on bunkering down and holding a choke point. While she wa...
In Overwatch, Orisa’s original kit was focused on...
How to Play Doomfist in Overwatch 2
Blizzard has historically had a difficult time balancing Doomfist in Overwatch. As a damage dealer, Doomfist w...
Blizzard has historically had a difficult time balancin...
How to Play Junker Queen in Overwatch 2
As someone who mains tank, Junker Queen offers a refreshing and fun take on how to take attention away from yo...
As someone who mains tank, Junker Queen offers a refres...
How to Allocate More RAM to Overwatch
Overwatch might look like a simple game in terms of graphics but, when it comes to memory or RAM, the process ...
Overwatch might look like a simple game in terms of gra...
Master your heroes on every Overwatch map with our hints, tips, and tricks that cover all aspects of the game. From settings to hero selection and optimization, we’ve got more improvement schematics than Torbjorn does for his turrets.