In Terraria, a Furnace is a crafting station used for majorly important blocks and items. Furnaces are simple to make and have many recipes associated with them.
It’s easy to mistake a Hellforge for a Furnace due to their similar appearance; however, the Hellforge has more functions than a standard Furnace and is more difficult to obtain.
Knowing how to make a Furnace in Terraria is crucial to begin progressing through the game, as it’s impossible to do so without one. This guide will explain how to make a Furnace, its uses, and its Hellforge counterpart – as well as some Forges.
Furnace Uses
The Furnace is an essential component in getting many blocks and items. The variety of blocks and items is large, and some are purely aesthetic, while others will significantly aid game progression.
Early game, the primary use of a Furnace is smelting ores into bars – particularly Lead or Iron. As you advance further into the game, smelting ores into bars will continue to play a major role in your use of a furnace. However, more blocks will become accessible, and you’ll be able to protect yourself more effectively against enemies; building will likely develop into a significant part of your gameplay.
This is another way Furnaces will be of use to you. Many blocks in Terraria can only be obtained by using a Furnace as a crafting station – including blocks of ores, such as Iron Bricks, Copper Bricks, Cobalt Bricks, etc.
The Furnace can also act as a light source as it has a brightness level of 80%. It is waterproof, meaning it won’t be put out upon contact with water.
Obtaining a Furnace
Obtaining a Furnace in Terraria is very straightforward and – given its importance – very cost-effective. This means that it is available from very early in the game. While crafting is the most common way of acquiring a Furnace, it is also purchasable from a particular NPC in specific conditions.
To craft a Furnace, the crafting station required is a standard Work Bench. The recipe is 20 Stone Blocks, 4 Wood (of any type), and 3 standard Torches. These are all resources you’ll inevitably collect while exploring early in the game. On top of this, Stone and Wood are raw resources, meaning that they don’t need to be crafted and can be obtained in their “raw” state.
Torches, on the other hand, can be crafted. They require Wood and Gel (dropped by Slimes). Alternatively, they can be purchased from the Merchant (when in the Jungle biome) or Skeleton Merchant for 50 copper coins each or found in naturally-occurring Chests at any layer of the map.

Forges and the Lihzahrd Furnace
While the standard Furnace is useful, it’ll only suffice throughout the early game. As you progress further into the game, you’ll need access to better equipment. The late-game Furnaces are called Forges, and there are a few different types.
The Hellforge
The Hellforge is a crafting station that has all the same functions as a standard Furnace but also has the ability to smelt Hellstone into Hellstone bars. This may seem insignificant; however, Molten equipment is powerful in the early game.
Additionally, the Hellforge is required to craft the Adamantite and Titanium Forges in hardmode, meaning that it plays a substantial role in game progression.
Hellforges cannot be crafted and must instead be obtained from the Underworld (sometimes referred to as Hell). You can find them in Ruined Houses (a type of small biome in Terraria) in the Underworld, and they require a pickaxe with at least 60% Pickaxe Power. Pre-hardmode, the only pickaxes available that are able to collect a Hellforge are the Deathbringer and the Nightmare Pickaxe.

It’s worth noting that once a Hellforge is placed at a depth above the Underworld, it can be destroyed and collected with any pickaxe.
Adamantite/Titanium Forge
Using a standard Furnace only allows smelting up to a certain tier. Adamantite and Titanium Forges have the ability to smelt every Hardmode ore as well as benefitting from the functions of their predecessors.

They can be crafted at a Mythril/Orichalcum Anvil with 30 Adamantite/Titanium ore and 1 Hellforge. The Adamantite and Titanium Forges are identical in function and similar in appearance.
These Forges will become increasingly important as you delve further into the game – ultimately becoming an integral part of your gameplay.
The Lihzahrd Furnace
Despite having Furnace in the name, the Lihzahrd Furnace doesn’t share any functions with the Furnace, Hellforge, or Forges. Instead, it acts as a crafting station for Lihzahrd-themed furniture. Additionally, unlike the aforementioned, the Lihzahrd Furnace doesn’t act as a light source.
Every chest in the Jungle Temple (otherwise known as the Lihzahrd Temple) contains a Lihzahrd Furnace. While it can be challenging to find the Jungle Temple in Terraria, you are guaranteed to get a Lihzahrd Furnace.

Some Lihzahrd-themed furniture items and blocks aren’t craftable at a Lihzahrd Furnace, such as Lihzahrd Brick Walls and the Lihzahrd Work Bench. Lihzahrd Brick Walls can only be crafted at a standard Work Bench, and you can only find the Lihzahrd Work Bench inside the Jungle Temple.
To conclude, Furnaces and Forges are an integral part of Terraria, and it’s impossible to progress through the game without using them. The Hellforge is a game-changing crafting station that assists the transition from pre-hardmode to hardmode. Despite having “Furnace” in the name, the Lihzahrd Furnace isn’t a Furnace at all – and shares no functions with a Furnace or a Forge.