There are many ways to heal in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
It is crucial to have some healing rations to give you an advantage when you are fighting stronger enemies.
This guide will teach you how to heal and where you can find healing in AC Valhalla.
How to Get Rations
To get healing rations, you will need to find wild berries and mushrooms in the open world. You will get most of them while just exploring so just keep an eye out for them near trees and bushes around the area. If you are not at full health, you will heal first when you pick these items up.
Once you have collected them at max health, the berries and mushrooms that you have acquired will turn into health rations and they will go to your rations pouch. This is one way to fill up your health rations when you are going for a difficult encounter. You can also get food from cooking pots and other interactables around the world.
Healing Using Rations
To use your healing rations if you have some left in your rations pouch, you can just press the right button on your D-pad to heal. For PC users, you can press H on your keyboard to use the healing rations.
Rations Pouch

The rations pouch is the container that holds all your health rations. It can only hold a limited amount of healing rations and it is also upgradable. It will take some time to farm the materials to upgrade this but you can get there as long as you keep looting everything around you when you explore.
Healing is a big factor in any kind of game and you can even go to high power level areas and try to complete it as long as you have a high amount of health rations to keep you safe if you make a mistake.
There are also some skills which makes you heal like Grit and you can check out our skills guide on the game here.