Along with coins and points, training is one of the most important resources in Madden 22.

You can use it to power up your players, equip them with Chemistries and Superstar abilities, as well as to purchase the best offensive playbooks that will bring a new dimension to your game.

The most cost-effective way to get training is by completing challenges and achieving milestones. Collect the max amount of stars for each challenge to get hundreds of training points and power up your players in one sitting.

Another popular way to get training is to quicksell players. Of course, the higher rated the player, the more points you’ll get.

Read on to see the full list of Madden 22 Training values for all ratings, along with some useful tips about quicksell values.

Training Values for 60-69 OVR Players

Madden 22 training value for 67 OVR player

As expected, the number of training points you get for quickselling these players is pretty low. It’s split into two categories:

  • 62-65 OVR: 4 Training
  • 66-69 OVR: 6 Training

Your better option here might be to collect these players for Sets and exchange them for other, more useful players.

Training Values for 70-79 OVR players

Madden 22 training value for 74 OVR player

When we get into the 70s, things start to pick up. Here, each rating point brings more training so we have nine categories.

  • 70 OVR: 10 Training
  • 71 OVR: 12 Training
  • 72 OVR: 15 Training
  • 73 OVR: 18 Training
  • 74 OVR: 21 Training
  • 75 OVR: 26 Training
  • 76 OVR: 31 Training
  • 77 OVR: 38 Training
  • 78 OVR: 46 Training
  • 79 OVR: 56 Training

Training Values for 80-88 OVR Players

Here, we’re getting into hundreds and thousands of training points per player. 

  • 80 OVR: 110 Training
  • 81 OVR: 160 Training
  • 82 OVR: 230 Training
  • 83 OVR: 340 Training
  • 84 OVR: 490 Training
  • 85 OVR: 710 Training
  • 86 OVR: 1,030 Training
  • 87 OVR: 1,500 Training
  • 88 OVR: 2,180 Training

Buying the Right Players to Quicksell

Here is a brief tip to help you get training quickly and approach the whole process in the most cost-effective way.

So, the name of the game here is investing the smallest amount of coins per training point. In other words, we’re looking for cheap players whose rating gives us the most training per coin spent.

Here’s an example.

Say you find a 70 OVR player that sells for 1,450 coins in Auctions. A 70 OVR player offers 10 Training. Divide the number of coins (1,450) by the number of Training points you get (10) and you’ll see how many Coins a single point of Training will cost you for this player.


For this particular player, we’ll be paying 145 Coins for one Training.

Now, say you find a 74 OVR player that sells for 1,700 coins. It’s a small price increase but does it pay off? A 74 OVR player gives you 21 Training. Use the same calculation:


As you can see, this player is much more cost-effective.

Spend some time in Auctions looking for the best deal and you’ll make the most out of each purchase!


Now that you know the best training value in Madden 22 and that quickselling the players you don’t need is still one of the most reliable ways to get Training, you’re well on your way to success.

Shop around and do some basic math to identify which players give you the most bang for your buck and don’t spend coins recklessly – you’ll run out when you need them most.