There are several ways that you can gain the upper hand on your opposition in any game mode in NHL 23. One of the best ways to gain a slight advantage over the opposition is by utilizing some of the many traits available.
While players in the game already have their traits assigned to them, you have the power to improve your strengths or lower your weaknesses when creating your own player by implementing the best traits in NHL 23.
But what are the best traits in NHL 23?
There are 34 traits to pick from, and with just two slots available, you must ensure you choose wisely. This article will identify the best traits in NHL 23 for you to pick for your pro.
How to Unlock Player Traits in NHL 23
When you start your first campaign, you will notice that you can only implement the Zone ability alongside a few basic boosts to pick from.
To unlock new boosts and the top x-factor abilities, you must play the game to gather experience and reach new levels.
Each time you gain enough experience to level up your player, you will receive a couple of boosts and, usually, a Superstar ability.
If you are trying to progress as quickly as possible, jump into the ProAm chapters and unlock many traits and abilities.
Player Traits in NHL 23
There are 34 player traits to pick from in NHL 23. However, it is important to be aware that you can’t just use any of these traits. You must already have certain attributes.
You have the ability to adjust your NHL 23 attributes to meet the needs of your favorite traits so you can add them to your player.
The Best Technique Traits
Precise Wrister (+2 Wrist Shot Accuracy)

As you are probably already aware, the wrist shot is one of the most important offensive moves you have at your disposal in NHL 23.
It is a fantastic weapon for shooting from the outside or shooting when many defenders surround you.
Improving your wrist shot accuracy with the Precise Wrister trait is a great way to score even more goals using this clever skill shot. You must have an 80 Offensive Awareness statistic to unlock this trait.
Precise Slapper (+2 Slap Shot Accuracy)

Another useful shooting type in NHL 23 is the slap shot, which involves generating plenty of power and slapping the ball toward to goal.
Many players have powerful slap shots, but they tend to be wayward or hit-and-miss. You can instantly improve your slap shot with the Precise Slapper trait. Just be aware you need an 80 Overall Awareness to unlock it.
Power Skating (+2 Speed)

Alongside excellent shooting abilities, speed is another essential component of any top player in NHL 23. It will allow your player to burst past the opposition and create space to get a shot off. You must have 78 strength to unlock the Power Skating trait.
The Best Power Traits
Steady Wrister (+2 Wrist Shot Power)

As we have already touched on, learning how to do the wrist shot in NHL 23 is a great way to take your offense to the next level.
The Steady Wrister trait provides your player with an additional +2 wrist shot power, which can help you attempt this type of shot slightly further out or have more success from using it in the more conventional areas.
To unlock this trait, you need to have a 72-balance score.
Steady Hands (+2 Puck Control)

Alongside speed and shot power, puck control is another essential statistic you will need to be a top NHL player.
At times the ice can seem very crowded, so having excellent puck control is essential to ensure your player is not constantly turning over possession. The Steady Hands trait offers +2 Puck Control and requires you have 74 balance.
Steady Slapper (+2 Slapshot Power)

If you want to make your slapshot even more powerful, you might consider adding the Steady Slapper trait to your arsenal. It will increase your slapshot power by two but requires you to have a 72 balance statistic.
The Best Playstyle Traits
Offensive Threat (+4 Offensive Awareness)

Offensive awareness is one of the essential statistics in NHL 23 and one that many people look to when searching for the best young players in the game.
The Offensive Threat trait increases your offensive awareness by four but requires your deking score to be no lower than 80.
Discipline IQ (+4 Defensive Awareness)

While it is good to ensure your player is an effective offensive option for your team, you also need to ensure he is a capable defender as well.
With the Discipline IQ trait, you can improve your defensive awareness by 4, so long as your discipline is at 78.
Discipline Stick (+4 Stick Checking)

If your discipline score is on or above 78, another trait you might want to consider is Discipline Stick. This trait improves stick-checking by four and helps take your player to the next level, adding an extra dimension to your team.
The Best Tenacity Traits
Stable Steel (+4 Durability)

Perhaps you feel your player already has enough offensive, speed, and shooting capabilities, and you want to focus on other areas of your player; there are some interesting tenacity traits for you to consider.
The Stable Steel trait helps improve your durability by 4, as long as you have a 75 or higher balance score.
Strong Steel (+4 Durability)

If you like the sound of improving your durability by 4, but you don’t want to sacrifice skill points to increase your balance to 75 or more, you could consider the Strong Steel trait. This trait gives you the same durability improvements, but instead of requiring a 75 or more balance, you will need a 78-strength score.
Tenacious Shield (+4 Shot Blocking)

Finally, if you would rather spend one of your trait spaces on improving your shot-blocking, the Tenacious Shield is a great option for you as it offers +4 shot-blocking. This trait could make you an even better defender for your team. Just make sure your endurance is 78 or higher.
The Best Tactics Traits
Agile Deking (+4 Deking)

When it comes to facing top opposition defenders, it can be frustrating when you try and pass your way around them, only to fail over and over again.
Deke moves can help you break down tightly formed defenses and add some flair to your game.
The Agile Deking trait increases your deking by 4, so long as your agility is 80 or above.
Controlled Deking (+4 Deking)

If you want to add more deking ability to your player, but your agility is below 80, the Controlled Deking trait is a good option. It provides you with the same deking improvements, but rather than having a high agility score. You will need a puck control score of 82 or more.
Power Fighter (+4 Fighting Skill)

This list of best traits would not be complete without one trait helping improve your fighting skills. The Power Fighter trait will help increase your fighting skill by 4, giving you more chances of winning fights in NHL 23.
It is still essential to learn how to fight in NHL 23, although it is not an essential skill you need to win games. It is a lot of fun, though!
Final Word
Ultimately, which traits you use in World of CHEL or other online matches will depend on what playstyle you prefer. You should focus on creating a player that suits your playstyle and formation and utilizes traits that will help you achieve that goal.
Take a look at what playstyle you want to implement before you decide which traits you should add to your player.