Learning how to get X Factor in Madden 22 will be crucial to pushing your player to the summit. There are a ton of abilities available in the pool and all of them are equipable for all the positions.
However, not everything is useful for every position and playstyle. You have to read through these abilities and learn what benefit you can get from them.
You will also have to adjust to your strengths whenever you activate these X-Factor abilities by entering the zone. This guide will show you how to unlock abilities in Madden 22 and create the perfect player.
Here are all the unlockable X-Factor abilities in Madden 22.
All Unlockable X-Factor Abilities from Each Position
Unlockable Abilities | Position and Playstyle | Details |
Avalanche | Linebacker and The Infiltrator | There are tacklers and then there are these guys. When they enter the zone, any successful hit-stick made while running towards the line of scrimmage will result in a fumble. |
Bazooka | Quarterback and The General | Quarterbacks with generational arms have the power to stretch any defense to its breaking point. When they enter the zone; their maximum throw distance is increased by +15 yards. |
Bottleneck | The Mojo | Bottleneck defenders realize that the best way to stop a route is to act early. When they enter the zone; they are highly likely to dominantly win any man press encounter. |
First One Free | Halfback and The Shadow | Some players thrive on making defenders look silly. When they enter the zone; this ability increases their fakeout rate on the next juke; spin or hurdle. |
Freight Train | Halfback and The Juggernaut | Freight Trains are relentless runners who refuse to go down on the first contact. When they enter the zone; this ability increases their chance to break the next tackle. |
Mossed | Wide Receiver and The Moonshot | True legendary receivers make the impossible possible. When they enter the zone; they have a greatly increased success rate on aggressive catches of 55+ yards regardless of coverage. |
RAC ‘Em Up | Wide Receiver and The Lucky 7’s | RAC receivers fight for every possible yard after making a catch. When they enter the zone; this ability increases their success rate on RAC catches against single coverage. |
Run & Gun | Quarterback and The Magician | Many passers use a combination of mobility and aggressiveness to make big plays. When they enter the zone; they have perfect accuracy while throwing on the run. |
Satellite | Halfback and The Double Agent | Some running backs have the talent to be elite receivers. When they enter the zone; this ability increases their success rate on possession and RAC catches against single coverage. |
Shutdown | The Hitman | Shutdown defenders have the talent to erase receivers from the game. When they enter the zone; their coverage is tighter and interceptions are more frequent on contested catches. |
Truzz | Quarterback and The Lightspeed | The most effective ball carriers prioritize maintaining possession over all else. When they enter the zone; no tackles made against them will result in a fumble. |
Vanguard | Goliath | Vanguard players are the reason running backs thank their blockers in the postgame interview. When they enter the zone; they are nearly guaranteed dominant impact block wins. |
Wrecking Ball | The Freak | Wrecking Ball runners don’t avoid contact. They create it. When they enter the zone; this ability increases their success rate on trucks and stiff arms. |
YAC ‘Em Up | Wide Receiver and The Pathfinder | The best physical receivers don’t just come down with the ball; they carry it home. When they enter the zone; they are nearly guaranteed to break their first post-catch tackle. |
Zone Hawk | Linebacker and The Hawk | Zone Hawk defenders lock down a part of the field. When they enter the zone; this ability increases the rate of interceptions while in zone coverage. |
These are all the X-Factor abilities you can unlock globally to all other positions. While some of them are absolutely terrible for specific positions, they can still be added to your X-Factor ability slots.
Generally, you would want X-Factor abilities from the same position but with a different playstyle. For example, as a QB General, you would want the X-Factor ability of The Magician and The Lightspeed.
It varies, but all those X-Factor abilities boost your player’s passing, ball carrier abilities, and mobility attributes. Make sure you are aware of each X-Factor ability and all the other abilities related to the class you are playing.
You have other X-Factor abilities exclusive to your position’s playstyle and they are all useful too.
How to Unlock X-Factor Abilities
You will need to play multiple playthroughs on different positions and playstyles in the Face of the Franchise mode to unlock these X-Factor Madden 22 franchise abilities.
These are unlocked after reaching level 20 on each of the positions and playstyles. For example, reaching level 20 on a WR Pathfinder will unlock all your characters’ YAC Em Up X-Factor ability.
However, you will still need to play a different playthrough as a WR Moonshot and a WR Lucky 7’s to unlock the rest.
It will be a long grind, but you can easily reach this when you know how to level up class rep quickly. You can also just focus on the position you want to play and unlock specific abilities you want on the table above.
As mentioned before, you can have all the X-Factor abilities but not everything is useful for certain positions.
Does X-Factor Abilities Affect Rating?
If you are trying to learn how to get a 99 overall rating for your player, you would know that allocating skill points is not enough to push you to the 99 rating mark.
These X-Factor abilities give you raw bonuses to stats, but it is only active during the game when you are in the zone. So, when you think about it, you are going past your overall rating during the game.
While it does not reflect on your player’s overall rating on the menu screen, you can safely assume that you are going past your current rating when you are in the zone.
Obviously, this is dependent on which X-Factor abilities you use. The overall rating is based on specific attributes that contribute to the position you are playing. Improving speed will not be as effective on a QB compared to a WR.
How to Unlock Abilities
While there are unique X-Factor abilities that get activated when are in the zone, there are also normal abilities that generally give you more attribute bonuses and skills.
These abilities also need to be unlocked through leveling. However, they are also limited. There are only a few abilities available and you need to reach a certain level for a particular player class to unlock them.
If you go through the edit player and pick your class, you can find the abilities section. The first one will be your X-Factor ability and under that will be your other abilities.
These normal abilities are more specific to your player’s class and you can only unlock a few of them. Like X-Factor abilities, you would want to unlock the ones that are good and useful to your position and class.
Unlocking these abilities does not need a max level (level 20) to unlock so it will be much easier. There are only a few builds you can do as there are only a few of them to choose from since you only have a total of 3 slots (unlocked through leveling class rep).