Magic is a powerful tool, capable of altering fates, shaping social interactions, and turning the tide in critical combat encounters.
BG3 Spells span from life-saving healing to devastating pyrotechnics, are the backbone of adventurers’ journeys. In this guide, we delve into these arcane arts, unveiling the hidden secrets of the game.
Whether you’re a seasoned caster or a fledgling mage, join us as we explore the spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 and unravel their mystical purposes.

Cantrips, the foundation of spellcasting, grant spellcasters an array of versatile abilities.
These minor spells include staples like “Mage Hand” for manipulating objects and “Eldritch Blast” for ranged combat.
While cantrips lack the explosive power of higher-level spells, they provide valuable tools for daily adventuring and can be cast at will.
Cantrip | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Acid Splash | Conjuration | Action | 1d6 (1~6) Damage (Acid) | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight |
Blade Ward | Abjuration | Action | Half damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing | 2 Turns | College of Lore Bard, College of Valour Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, High Elf, High Half-Elf, Eldritch Knight, Bard,Arcane Trickster |
Bone Chill | Necromancy | Action | 1d8 (1~8) Damage (Necrotic), Prevents healing | 1 Turn | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Dancing Lights | Evocation | Action | Illuminate a 9m radius | 10 Turns | College of Lore Bard, College of Valour Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight |
Eldritch Blast | Evocation | Action | 1d10 (1~10) Damage (Force) | Instantaneous | Warlock |
Fire Bolt | Evocation | Action | 1d10 (1~10) Damage (Fire) | Instantaneous | Wizard, Sorcerer, Eldritch Knight |
Friends | Enchantment | Action | Advantage on Charisma Checks | 1 Turn | College of Lore Bard, College of Valour Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Eldritch Knight |
Githyanki Psyonics: Mage Hand | Conjuration | Action | Create an invisible spectral hand | – | Githyanki |
Guidance | Divination | Action | +1d4 bonus to Ability Checks | 10 Turns | Cleric, Druid |
Light | Evocation | Action | Infuse an object with an aura of light | Until Long Rest | Various Classes (see below) |
Mage Hand | Conjuration | Action | Create a spectral hand for object manipulation | 10 Turns | Various Classes (see below) |
Minor Illusion | Illusion | Action | Create an illusory image that distracts | 10 Turns | Various Classes (see below) |
Poison Spray | Conjuration | Action | 1d12 (1~12) Damage (Poison) | Instantaneous | Druid, Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Produce Flame | Conjuration | Action | Create a flickering flame for damage | – | Cleric, Druid |
Ray of Frost | Evocation | Action | 1d8 (1~8) Damage (Cold), Reduces Movement Speed | 1 Turn | Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Resistace | Abjuration | Action | +1d4 (1~4) bonus to Saving Throws | 10 Turns | Cleric, Druid |
Sacred Flame | Evocation | Action | 1d8 (1~8) Damage (Radiant) | Instantaneous | Cleric |
Selûne’s Dream | Evocation | Action | 1d8 (1~8) Damage | – | Amulet of Selûne’s Chosen wearer |
Shillelagh | Transmutation | Bonus Action | Enhances staff or club for melee combat | 10 Turns | Druid |
Shocking Grasp | Evocation | Action | 1d8 (1~8) Damage (Lightning), No reactions, Advantage vs. metal armor | 1 Turn | Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Thaumaturgy | Transmutation | Action | Advantage on Intimidation and Performance checks | – | Cleric (Tiefling Zariel, Asmodeus) |
Thorn Whip | Transmutation | Action | 1d6 (1~6) Damage (Piercing), Pulls target closer | – | Druid |
True Strike | Divination | Action | Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll | 2 Turns | College of Lore Bard, College of Valour Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Mage Breaker Ranger |
Vicious Mockery | Enchantment | Action | 1d4 (1~4) Damage (Psychic), Disadvantage on next Attack Roll | 1 Turn | Bard |
Level 1 Spells

At the first level of spells, adventurers gain access to the foundational magic that can make or break their early adventures.
These spells include simple but versatile options like “Mage Armor” for protection and “Magic Missile” for reliable damage.
Level 1 spells are the bread and butter of spellcasters, and they offer crucial support for any party.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Animal Friendship | Enchantment | Action | Convince a beast not to attack you. | 10 Turns | Bard, Nature Domain Cleric, Druid, Ranger |
Armor of Agathys | Abjuration | Action | Gain 5 temporary hit points and deal 5 Cold Damage to attackers. | Until Long Rest | Bard, College of Lore, Warlock |
Arms of Hadar | Conjuration | Action | 2d6 (2~12) Damage, prevent reactions. | 1 Turn | Warlock |
Bane | Enchantment | Action | -1d4 penalty to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for up to 3 creatures. | 1 Turn | Bard, Oath of Vengeance, Cleric |
Bless | Enchantment | Action | +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for up to 3 creatures. | 10 Turns | Bard, College of Lore, Life Domain Cleric, Paladin |
Burning Hands | Evocation | Action | 3d6 (3~18) Fire damage to flammable targets, half damage on save. | Instantaneous | Light Domain Cleric, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Charm Person | Enchantment | Action | Charm a humanoid, gain Advantage on Charisma Checks, | 10 Turns | Bard, Trickery Domain Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Chromatic Orb | Evocation | Action | Hurl a sphere of energy, deals 2d8 (2~16) damage of Acid, Cold, Fire, Poison, Thunder, or Lightning damage. | Instantaneous | Bard, Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Colour Spray | Illusion | Action | Blind creatures up to a combined 33 hit points. | 1 Turn | College of Lore, Paladin |
Command(HALT) | Enchantment | Action | Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground, or drop their weapon. | 1 Turn | Cleric, Paladin |
Compelled Duel | Enchantment | Bonus Action | Compel an enemy to attack only you. | 3 Turns | Paladin |
Create or Destroy Water | Transmutation | Action | Call forth rain or destroy water-based. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Druid, Storm Sorcery |
Cure Wounds | Evocation | Action | 3~8 Healing | Instantaneous | Bard, Life Domain Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger |
Disguise Self | Illusion | Action | Change appearance (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | 1 Hour (Concentration) | Bard, Trickery Domain Cleric, Gloom Stalker, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Dissonant Whispers | Enchantment | Action | 3d6 (3~18) Psychic Damage, Frighten target. | 2 Turns | Bard, The Great Old One |
Divine Favor | Evocation | Bonus Action | Weapon attacks deal +1d4 (1∼4) Radiant Damage. | 3 Turns | War Domain Cleric Cleric, Paladin |
Ensnaring Strike | Conjuration | Action (Bonus) | Ensnare target, target makes a STR Save. | 1 Turn | Oath of the Ancients, Ranger |
Entangle | Conjuration | Action | Slow and possibly Entangle creatures. | 1 Minute (Concentration) | Druid |
Expeditious Retreat | Transmutation | Bonus Action | Gain Dash immediately and as a bonus action on each turn until spell ends. | 10 Minutes (Concentration) | Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Faerie Fire | Evocation | Action | Targets turn visible, Attack Rolls against them have Advantage. | 10 Turns | Bard, Light Domain Cleric Cleric, Druid |
False Life | Necromancy | Action | Gain 7 temporary hit points. | Until Long Rest | Bard, College of Lore, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Feather Fall | Transmutation | Bonus Action | Immunity to Falling damage for you and nearby allies. | 10 Minutes (Concentration) | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Find Familiar | Conjuration | Action | Gain the service of a familiar. | Instantaneous | Wizard, Ranger |
Find Familiar: Cat | Conjuration | Action | Summon a cat familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Find Familiar: Crab | Conjuration | Action | Summon a crab familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Find Familiar: Frog | Conjuration | Action | Summon a frog familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Find Familiar Imp | Conjuration | Action | Summon an imp familiar. | Instantaneous | Warlock |
Find Familiar: Quasit | Conjuration | Action | Summon a quasit familiar. | Instantaneous | Warlock |
Find Familiar: Rat | Conjuration | Action | Summon a rat familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Find Familiar: Raven | Conjuration | Action | Summon a raven familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Find Familiar: Spider | Conjuration | Action | Summon a spider familiar (Lasts until the end of a long rest). | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Fog Cloud | Conjuration | Action | Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within the cloud. | 10 Turns | Tempest Domain Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Goodberry | Transmutation | Action | Conjure four magical berries into your or a companion’s inventory. | Until Long Rest | Druid, Ranger |
Grease | Conjuration | Action | Slows creatures, may cause them to fall Prone | 10 Turns | Wizard, Eldritch Knight |
Guiding Bolt | Evocation | Action | 2d4 Radiant damage, grants Advantage on next attack | 22 Turns | Bard, Cleric |
Hail of Thorns | Conjuration | Bonus Action | 1d10 Piercing + 1d10 Piercing explosion | Instant | Ranger |
Healing Word | Evocation | Bonus Action | 1d4 Healing | Instant | Bard, Cleric, Druid |
Hellish Rebuke | Evocation | Reaction | 2d10 Fire damage on attacker | Instant | Bard, Warlock |
Heroism | Enchantment | Action | Immune to Frightened, gains temp HP | 10 Turns | Bard, Paladin |
Hex | Enchantment | Bonus Action | Curse target, additional damage, Disadvantage on checks | Concentration, 18m | Bard, Warlock |
Hunter’s Mark | Divination | Bonus Action | Additional 1d6 Slashing Damage on target | Until Long Rest | Oath of Vengeance, Ranger |
Ice Knife | Conjuration | Action | 1d10 Piercing + 2d6 Cold explosion | Instantaneous | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Inflict Wounds | Necromancy | Action | 3d10 Necrotic damage | Instantaneous | Cleric |
Jump | Transmutation | Action | Triple jumping distance of creature | 10 Turns | Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster |
Longstrider | Transmutation | Action | Increases Movement Speed by 3m | Until Long Rest | Bard, Druid, Ranger, Wizard |
Lunar Mend | – | Bonus Action | Regain hit points in Wild Shape | Instantaneous | Circle of the Moon (Druid Subclass) |
Mage Armor | Abjuration | Action | Increases AC to 13 + Dex modifier | Until Long Rest | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Magic Missile | Evocation | Action | 3 darts dealing 2-5 Force damage each | Instant, 18m | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Protection from Good and Evil | Abjuration | Action | Protects from specific creature types | Instantaneous | Cleric, Eldritch Knight, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard |
Ray of Sickness | Necromancy | Action | 2d8 Poison damage, possibly Poisons | 2 Turns | Eldritch Knight, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Sanctuary | Abjuration | Bonus Action | Prevents targeting until attacking or harming | 10 Turns | Cleric, Oath of Devotion |
Searing Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | 8d6 Fire damage, sets target on fire | 10 Turns | Paladin |
Shield | Abjuration | Reaction | Increase AC by 5, immune to Magic Missile | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Shield of Faith | Abjuration | Bonus Action | Increases AC by 2 | Until Long Rest | Cleric, Eldritch Knight, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard |
Sleep | Enchantment | Action | Puts creatures to sleep up to 24 HP total | 2 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Speak with Animals | Divination | Action | Comprehend and communicate with beasts | Until Long Rest | Bard, Druid, Ranger |
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter | Enchantment | Action | Causes creature to be Prone and unable to get up | 10 Turns | Bard, Wizard |
Thunderous Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | 2d6 Thunder damage, pushes target and may knock Prone | Instant | Paladin |
Thunderwave | Evocation | Action | 2d8 Thunder damage, pushes creatures away | Instant, 5m radius | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Wrathful Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | 1d6 Psychic damage, may Frighten and immobilize | Concentration, Melee | Paladin |
Witch Bolt | Evocation | Action | 1d12 Lightning damage, additional damage each turn | 10 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Level 2 Spells

Stepping into the realm of Level 2 spells, casters unlock more potent abilities.
These spells can provide crowd control with options like “Hold Person” or enhance the party’s defenses with “Mirror Image.”
Level 2 spells expand the repertoire, giving adventurers the tools to face more challenging foes and situations.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Aid | Abjuration | Action | Bolster your allies and increase their current and maximum hit points by 5. When cast with a 3rd level spell slot or higher, the hit points are increased by 5 for each slot level above 2nd. | Until Long Rest | Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients, Cleric |
Arcane Lock | Abjuration | Action | Close a door or container with a magical lock. It can no longer be lockpicked or opened with Knock. | 10 Turns | Wizard |
Barkskin | Transmutation | Action | Protect a creature from attacks: increase its Armour Class up to 16. | Until Long Rest | Ranger, Druid |
Blindness | Necromancy | Action | Limit a foe’s sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. Attack Rolls against it have Advantage and the foe attacks with Disadvantage. | 10 turns | Bard, Sorcerer, The Fiend, Cleric, Wizard |
Blur | Illusion | Action | Attackers have Disadvantage on Attack rolls against you. Doesn’t affect creatures that don’t rely on sight or that can see through illusions. | 10 turns | – |
Branding Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | 2d6 Radiant + 2d6 Radiant | 10 turns | Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients |
Calm Emotions | Enchantment | Action | Suppress strong emotions in an area, making all humanoids immune to being Charmed or Frightened. | 10 turns | Bard, Cleric |
Cloud of Daggers | Conjuration | Action | 4d4 Slashing | 10 turns, Concentration | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Crown of Madness | Enchantment | Action | Instil madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it’s allied. | 3 turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Oathbreaker |
Darkness | Evocation | Action | Create a cloud of magical darkness that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within. Creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it. | 10 turns | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Oathbreaker |
Darkvision | Transmutation | Action | Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m. | 1 Until Long Rest | Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid |
Detect Thoughts | Divination | Action | Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them. | 1 Until Long Rest | Bard, Sorcerer, The Great Old One, Wizard |
Enhance Ability | Transmutation | Action | Bestow a magical enhancement upon an ally. They gain Advantage on Ability Checks with a chosen Ability. | Concentration | Bard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Druid |
Enlarge – Reduce | Transmutation | Action | Make a creature larger or smaller to affect their weapon damage and Strength Checks and Saving Throws. | Concentration | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Flame Blade | Evocation | Bonus Action | Conjure a flaming scimitar in your hand that deals 3d6 Fire damage and sheds bright light in a 3m radius and dim light in a 6m radius. The blade can be unequipped and equipped again, but has to stay on the spellcaster’s person. | Concentration | Druid |
Flaming Sphere | Conjuration | Action | 2d6 Fire + 2d6 Fire | 10 turns, Concentration | Wizard, Druid |
Gust of Wind | Evocation | Action | Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back 5m, forcing them Off Balance. | Instantaneous | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Heat Metal | Transmutation | Action | 2d8 Fire + 2d8 Fire (Subsequent turns) | 10 turns, Concentration | Bard, Druid |
Hold Person | Enchantment | Action | Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can’t move, act, or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits. | 2 turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Cleric, Wizard, Druid |
Invisibility | Illusion | Action | Touch a creature to turn it Invisible. Attacks against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage. | 10 turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Knock | Transmutation | Action | Unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock. | Range: 18m | Sorcerer, Bard, Wizard |
Lesser Restoration | Abjuration | Action | Cure a creature from disease, poison, paralysis, or blindness. | Melee | Bard, Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients, Ranger, Cleric, Druid |
Magic Weapon | Transmutation | Action | Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls. | Until Long Rest | Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients, Wizard |
Melf’s Acid Arrow | Evocation | Action | 2d8 Acid + 2d4 Acid (Delayed) | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Mirror Image | Illusion | Action | Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3. Whenever you successfully evade an attack, one of the duplicates disappears. | 10 turns | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Circle of the Land |
Misty Step | Conjuration | Bonus Action | Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. | Instantaneous | Oath of the Ancients, Warlock, Circle of the Land, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Moonbeam | Evocation | Action | 2d10 Radiant + 1d10 Radiant (Subsequent turns) | 10 turns, Concentration | Oath of the Ancients, Druid |
Pass Without Trace | Abjuration | Action | Call forth a veil of shadows and silence that grants a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) Checks and makes it easier to avoid detection. | Until Long Rest | Ranger, Druid |
Phantasmal Force | Illusion | Action | Create an illusion that affects a creature’s senses, making them believe in the existence of an object or event. | 1 Until Long Rest | Bard, Sorcerer, The Great Old One, Wizard |
Prayer of Healing | Evocation | Action | 2d8 Healing | No | Cleric |
Protection from Poison | Abjuration | Action | Grant a creature advantage on Saving Throws against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage. | Until Long Rest | Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients, Ranger, Cleric, Druid |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Necromancy | Action | 1d8 Necrotic | Instantaneous | Warlock, Wizard |
See Invisibility | Divination | Action | For 1 hour, you can see invisible creatures and objects, and see into the Ethereal Plane, up to a range of 30m. | Until Long Rest | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Level 3 Spells

Level 3 spells introduce a new level of power, allowing spellcasters to turn the tide of battle with some of the best spells in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Spells such as “Fireball,” which can decimate groups of enemies while “Counterspell” can foil the plans of opposing spellcasters.
These spells are often pivotal in facing formidable adversaries.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Animate Dead | Necromancy | Action | Create an undead servant from a corpse. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Wizard |
Beacon of Hope | Abjuration | Action | Allies regain maximum hit points when healed. | 10 Turns | Cleric, Paladin |
Bestow Curse | Necromancy | Action | Curse a creature with Disadvantage or other effects. | 10 turns | Bard, Cleric, Wizard |
Blinding Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | 1d8 Radiant + 3d8 Radiant (Blind) | Instantaneous | Paladin |
Blink | Transmutation | Action | Teleport to the Ethereal Plane briefly. | 10 Turns | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Call Lightning | Conjuration | Action | 3d10 Lightning | 10 Turns | Druid, Sorcerer |
Conjure Barrage | Conjuration | Action | 1d8 + 2d8 Slashing (On Save: Half damage) | No | Ranger |
Counterspell | Abjuration | Reaction | Nullify spells 3rd level or lower. | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Crusader’s Mantle | Evocation | Action | Allies’ weapon attacks deal extra Radiant damage. | 10 Turns | Paladin |
Daylight | Evocation | Action | Dispels darkness, bright light, or sphere of light. | Until Long Rest | Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer |
Elemental Weapon | Transmutation | Action | Weapon gains +1 to Attack Rolls, extra 1d4 damage. | Concentration | Druid (Optional), Paladin, Ranger (Optional) |
Fear | Illusion | Action | Frighten targets, imposing disadvantages. | 3 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Feign Death | Necromancy | Action | Imitate death, gain resistance, no actions. | 10 Turns | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard |
Fireball | Evocation | Action | 8d6 Fire (On Save: Half damage) | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Gaseous Form | Transmutation | Action | Transform into gas form, no actions. | Until Long Rest | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Glyph of Warding | Abjuration | Action | Create glyph-triggered magical effects. | Range: 3m | Bard, Cleric, Wizard |
Grant Flight | Transmutation | Action | Grant self or ally the ability to fly. | 10 Turns | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Haste | Transmutation | Action | Gain extra action, speed, harder to hit. | 10 Turns | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Hunger of Hadar | Conjuration | Action | 2d6 Cold + 2d6 Acid (On Save: Half damage) | 10 Turns | Warlock |
Hypnotic Pattern | Conjuration | Action | Hypnotize creatures, immobilizing them. | 2 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Lightning Arrow | Transmutation | Action | 6~48 Damage (2d8 Slashing on Save) | Instantaneous | Ranger |
Lightning Bolt | Evocation | Action | 8d6 Lightning (On Save: Half damage) | Range: 30m | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Mass Healing Word | Evocation | Bonus Action | 1d4+3 Healing | Instantaneous | Cleric |
Plant Growth | Transmutation | Action | Create difficult terrain with overgrown plants. | Instantaneous | Bard, Druid, Ranger |
Protection from Energy | Abjuration | Action | Grant Resistance to specific energy damage. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Remove Curse | Abjuration | Action | Remove curses and hexes affecting a target. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard |
Revivify | Necromancy | Action | Revive a companion with 1 hit point. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Paladin |
Sleet Storm | Conjuration | Action | Disrupt concentration, create ice surface. | 10 Turns | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Slow | Transmutation | Action | Slow up to 6 enemies, reduce their actions. | 10 Turns | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Spirit Guardians | Conjuration | Action | Deal Radiant or Necrotic damage to enemies. | 3m Radius | Cleric |
Stinking Cloud | Conjuration | Action | Create a nauseating cloud that hinders actions. | 10 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Vampiric Touch | Necromancy | Action | 3~18 (3d6 Necrotic, heal caster half the damage) | 10 Turns | Warlock, Wizard |
Warden of Vitality | Transmutation | Action | Cast Restore Vitality as a bonus action to heal. | 10 Turns | Paladin |
Level 4 Spells

As adventurers reach Level 4 spells, they gain access to spells that can reshape the battlefield.
Spells like “Dimension Door” offer unparalleled mobility, while “Blight” can devastate foes with necrotic energy.
Level 4 spells are versatile and can be game-changers in the right circumstances.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Blight | Necromancy | Action | 8d8 necrotic damage | Instantaneous | Death Domain, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Grave Domain |
Confusion | Enchantment | Action | Befuddle creatures, causing random actions | Instantaneous | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Oath of Treachery |
Conjure Minor Elemental | Conjuration | Action | Conjure a minor elemental to fight alongside you | Instantaneous | Druid, Wizard |
Conjure Woodland Beings | Conjuration | Action | Summon fey creatures based on CR | Instantaneous | Druid, Ranger |
Death Ward | Abjuration | Action | Restore target to 1 HP when dropped to 0 HP | Instantaneous | Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Grave Domain |
Dimension Door | Conjuration | Action | Teleport yourself and an adjacent ally | Instantaneous | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Dominate Beast | Enchantment | Action | Make a beast fight alongside you | 10 Turns | Nature Domain, Druid, Sorcerer, Archfey, Strength Domain |
Dominate Person | Enchantment | Action | Make a humanoid fight alongside you | 10 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Evard’s Black Tentacles | Conjuration | Action | Damage and restrain creatures with tentacles | 10 turns | The Great Old One, Wizard, Warlock |
Fire Shield | Evocation | Action | Gain resistance, deal damage to attackers | Instantaneous | Wizard, Celestial, Undying Light Patron |
Freedom of Movement | Abjuration | Action | Unaffected by difficult terrain, spells, or water | Instantaneous | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Zeal Domain |
Grasping Vine | Conjuration | Action | Pull target toward the vine | Instantaneous | Nature Domain, Druid, Ranger |
Greater Invisibility | Illusion | Action | Turn creature invisible with advantage | 10 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Guardian of Faith | Conjuration | Action | Damages creatures within radius | Instantaneous | Cleric, Oath of Devotion, Celestial |
Ice Storm | Evocation | Action | Bludgeoning and cold damage, difficult terrain | 2 Turns | Tempest Domain, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Kereska’s Favour | Evocation | Action | Imbue yourself with elemental energy | Instantaneous | Always Prepared (Short Rest) |
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere | Evocation | Action | Enclose target within a sphere | Instantaneous | Wizard, Protection Domain |
Phantasmal Killer | Illusion | Action | Cause fear and psychic damage to target | Instantaneous | Wizard, Hexblade |
Polymorph | Transmutation | Action | Transform a creature into a harmless sheep | 5 Turns | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Staggering Smite | Evocation | Bonus Action (plus Action to make the attack) | Deal extra psychic damage, impose disadvantage | Instantaneous | Paladin, Hexblade, Stone Origin |
Stoneskin | Abjuration | Action | The target gains Resistance (takes half damage) to all non-magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage. | Until Long Rest | War Domain, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Wall of Fire | Evocation | Action | Create a wall of fire with damage | Instantaneous | Light Domain, Druid, Sorcerer, The Fiend, Wizard, Celestial, Forge Domain |
Level 5 Spells

Level 5 spells are among the most potent magical abilities available.
With spells like “Teleportation Circle” for long-range travel and “Cone of Cold” for overwhelming damage, casters wield incredible power.
These spells are the hallmark of experienced spellcasters.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Cloudkill | Conjuration | Action | 5d8 (5∼40) Poison damage per turn. You can reposition the cloud every turn. | Instantaneous, Concentration | Death Domain Cleric, Circle of the Underdark, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Cone of Cold | Evocation | Action | 8d8 Cold damage. On save: Targets still take half damage. | Instantaneous | Circle of the Arctic, Sorcerer, Wizard, Hexblade |
Conjure Elemental | Conjuration | Action | Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you. | Instantaneous | Druid, Circle of the Coast, Wizard |
Contagion | Necromancy | Action | If the spell attack hits, target is afflicted with a disease to choose from 6 proposed. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Druid, Oath of the Oathbreaker, Undying |
Destructive Wave | Evocation | Action | 5d6 Thunder + 5d6 Radiant damage. Create a shockwave of either divine or malevolent thunder that damages nearby creatures and possibly knocks them Prone. On Save: Targets still take half damage. | Instantaneous | Tempest Domain Cleric, Paladin, Hexblade, Strength Domain, Zeal Domain |
Dispel Good and Evil | Abjuration | Action | End a condition (charmed, frightened, or possessed) or bannish a creature to its home plane (Cha. save). | Instantaneous | Cleric, Paladin |
Dominate Person | Enchantment | Action | Make a humanoid fight alongside you. Every time the creature takes damage, it makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your domination. Allies cannot be dominated. | 10 Turns, Concentration | Bard, Trickery Domain Cleric, Oath of the Oathbreaker, Sorcerer, Archfey, The Great Old One, Wizard, Oath of Treachery, Ambition Domain |
Flame Strike | Evocation | Action | +5d6 Radiant damage. Make a pillar of divine fire roar down from the heavens like the wrath of affronted angels. On Save: Targets still take half damage. | Instantaneous | Light Domain Cleric, War Domain, Oath of Devotion, The Fiend, Celestial, Undying Light Patron, Zeal Domain |
Level 6 Spells

At the pinnacle of spellcasting, Level 6 spells offer game-altering magic.
Spells like “True Seeing” and “Mass Heal” can shape the outcome of epic battles or intricate quests.
Level 6 spells represent the pinnacle of magical mastery, reserved for the most seasoned adventurers.
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Damage / Effect | Duration | Classes |
Arcane Gate | Conjuration | Action | Create two linked teleportation portals. | 10 Turns | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Blade Barrier | Evocation | Action | Summons a wall of razor-sharp blades, causing damage and turning the area into Difficult Terrain. | 1 Turn | Cleric |
Chain Lightning | Evocation | Action | Strike an enemy with lightning, which then jumps to other nearby enemies. | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Circle of Death | Necromancy | Action | Create a sphere of entropic energy, dealing damage to the target and surrounding creatures. | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Create Undead | Necromancy | Action | Raise a corpse as a mummy to fight by your side. | Until Long Rest | Cleric, Warlock, Wizard |
Disintegrate | Transmutation | Action | Shoot a ray of force, disintegrating the target if it reduces them to 0 hit points. | Instantaneous | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Eyebite | Necromancy | Action | Inflict dread, sickness, or sleep on creatures with your gaze. | 100 Turns | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard |
Flesh to Stone | Transmutation | Action | Petrify a target if they fail a saving throw within 3 turns. | 3 Turns | Warlock, Wizard |
Globe of Invulnerability | Abjuration | Action | Create a barrier that makes creatures and objects inside it immune to all damage. | 3 Turns | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Harm | Necromancy | Action | Reduce a target’s maximum hit points, but never below 1. | Until Long Rest | Cleric |
Heal | Evocation | Action | Heal a target’s wounds, remove blindness and diseases (no effect on undead and constructs). | Instantaneous | Cleric, Druid |
Heroes’ Feast | Conjuration | Action | Produce a feast for 12 guests that cures diseases, immunizes to poison, and increases HP for 24 hours. | Instantaneous | Cleric, Druid |
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere | Evocation | Action | Create a ball of ice that can be launched to generate a frosty explosion or stored for later use. | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Otto’s Irresistible Dance | Enchantment | Action | Cause a creature to start dancing, making it unable to take actions or move. | 10 Turns | Bard, Wizard |
Planar Ally | Conjuration | Action | Summon a deva, djinn, or cambion to help until a long rest. | Until Long Rest | Cleric |
Sunbeam | Evocation | Action | Fire a beam of brilliant light that blinds and damages creatures in its path. | 10 Turns | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard |
Wall of Ice | Evocation | Action | Raise a wall of solid ice, damaging those in its way and creating a damaging cloud. | Instantaneous | Wizard |
Wall of Thorns | Conjuration | Action | Create a wall of brush that slows movement and can inflict piercing damage. | Instantaneous | Druid |
Wind Walk | Transmutation | Action | Transform yourself and nearby party members into mist clouds to avoid attacks. | Until Long Rest | Druid |