Crafting potions is a great feature to learn in Baldur’s Gate 3. Even if it isn’t mandatory, you’ll be surprised how fun and helpful these potions, elixirs, and poisons are.
We’ll show you a step-by-step guide on how to craft these potions or anything involving Baldur’s Gate 3’s alchemy system.
We’ll also provide a list of all the potions, elixirs, and poisons in the game.
Crafting Potions, Elixirs, and Poisons

To start crafting, you need to open your inventory tab by pressing “I.” Look at the top of your inventory window and look for the icons.
One of these icons will be the alchemy tab. Press the alchemy tab and it should open a list of potions, elixirs, and poisons to craft.
This list won’t be complete yet as you need to learn recipes as you progress through the story.
With the current list of recipes you have in alchemy, you can choose one of the available recipes and click the craft button.

You need to have the required ingredients to craft. I suggest filtering your alchemy page as “Filter Craftable Only” on the top side of your alchemy list.
Upon checking the filter box, you’ll only see the recipes you have the ingredients for.
Herb Gathering

When you go around the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll discover a well-detailed environment where you can interact with hundreds of things.
The problem is that some of the interactable things in the environment aren’t always visible. You’ll only know something is interactable if you hover over them with your mouse.
If not, you’ll only see the detailed environment, not knowing where to look.
This is why you need to focus on looking at the pretty plants to loot these items. You’ll never see them by just normally playing. You have to focus on looking at every inch of your screen when exploring.
Once you see these pretty herbs and plants, pick them up. They won’t change your cursor into the “loot” icon because they aren’t really chests, barrels, or boxes you can loot.
If you want, you can learn how to steal more effectively and rob every single NPC you see in town to get materials.
Alchemy List
Here is a list of potions, elixirs, and oils you can craft in the game. They’ll be listed alphabetically in the table.
Item Name | Effects | Description |
A Mother’s Loathing | Gains Bite Until The Next Long Rest. | A Hint Of Blood Lingers Around The Stopper. It’s Enough To Make Your Mouth Water. |
Antitoxin | Cures Poisoned Creatures. | This Concoction Appears Rather Chewable, Thick As It Is With Herbs And Roots. |
Auntie Ethel’s Charm | Break This Charm To Receive All Benefits From The Enhance Ability Spell Until Long Rest: Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Eagle’s Splendor, Fox’s Cunning, And Owl’s Wisdom. | Despite The Rotting Smell Wafting Off This Talisman, Holding It Makes You Feel Inexplicably Powerful. |
Basic Poison I | Coat Weapon | Even When Closed, A Choking Acrid Smell Emanates From This Bottle. |
Basic Poison II | Coat Weapon | Coats One Slashing Or Piercing Weapon, Or Three Pieces Of Ammunition, With Poison That Inflicts 1d4 Poison Damage. Lasts For One Minute. This Delicate Vial Has A Skull Detail On The Side. Its Contents Are Remarkably Odorless. |
Basic Poison III | Drink | Don’t Be Fooled, This “Potion” Will Leave You Worse For Wear. |
Basilisk Oil | A Thick, Grey Oil Swirls Within Its Container, Extracted From A Basilisks Gullet, This Oil Has The Ability To Turn Petrified Oil Back To Its Original State. | NA |
Broken Promises | Strength Is Increased By 2 Until The Next Long Rest. Upon Resting, Strength Is Indefinitely Reduced By 1 | A Parasite Swims In The Bottom Of This Bottle, Fat With Strength. |
Butterflies In The Stomach | Deals 1d6 Piercing Damage | A Traditional Brew Of Ergot And Nutmeg, Meant To Recapture The Fluttering Thrill Of First Love. |
Elixir Of Silvanus | Cure Nettie’s Poison | Blessed By The Oak Father Himself, This Tonic Will Cure Even The Most Baneful Poisons. |
Faltering Will | Disadvantage On Wisdom Savings Throws Until Rest. | A Sweet, Intoxicating Aroma Hangs Around This Bottle. It Reminds You Of Home. |
Goodberry Potion | Regain 1d4 Hit Points | Creatures Who Eat This Berry Regain 1d4 Hit Points. Plump And Juicy, This Berry Exudes A Soothing, Sweet Smell. |
Heart Of Stone | Resistant To Poison Damage Until Rest. | Fragments Of Malachite Swirl At The Bottom Of This Potion, Coalescing And Separating Rhythmically. |
Insanity’s Kiss | Hostile To All Other Creatures For The Condition’s Duration. | Something Thrashes In This Heavy Ground, Consumed By Rage. |
Lost Time | Armour Class Is Reduced By 2. Can’t Take A Reaction. | Its Seal Is Dry And Cracked With Age, Yet The Clear Potion Within Bears No Signs Or Spoilage. |
Lover’s Avarice | Wisdom Is Indefinitely Reduced By 1. | A Rotten Pungency Undercuts This Potion’s Otherwise Pleasant Aroma Of Roses And Honey. |
Missing Pets | Illusionary Spiders Run Up And Down The Creature’s Body, Imposing Disadvantage On Ability Checks And Attack Rolls. | Thousands Of Little Legs Skitter Inside This Bottle, Seeking An Escape. |
Oil Of Sharpness | Coat Weapon | When Applied To Piercing Of Slashing Weapons, Grants A +3 Bonus To Attack And Damage Rolls. Tiny Silver Shards Give This Clear, Gelatinous Substance An Uneven Sparkle. |
Potion Of Acid Resistance | Gain Resistance To Acid Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | To Be Added |
Potion Of Animal Speaking | Gain The Ability To Comprehend And Verbally Communicate With Beasts Till Your Next Long Rest. | A Heavy Aroma Of Hay, Musk, And Manure Greets Your Nose Upon Opening This Bottle. |
Potion Of Cold Resistance | Gain Resistance To Cold Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | This Bottle Feels Warm, As If It’s Been Sitting In A Hearth. |
Potion Of Fire Breath | Drinking This Potion Grants The Ability To Breathe Fire Once, Causing 4d6 Fire Damage To A Target Within 30 Feet. | Burns More Going Down Than Waterdhavian Rum. |
Potion Of Fire Resistance | Gain Resistance To Fire Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | Pleasantly Cool To The Touch. A Layer Of Frost Coats The Inside Of The Bottle. |
Potion Of Flying | Drink To Gain A Flying Speed Of 60ft For One Hour. | The Bottle Feels Lighter Than If It Were Empty. |
Potion Of Force Resistance | Gain Resistance To Force Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | The Surface Of This Concoction Remains Remarkably Still, No Matter How Much The Bottle Is Agitated. |
Potion Of Greater Healing | Recover 4d4+4 Hp | A Draught For Curing Moderate Injuries. |
Potion Of Healing | Recover 2d4+2 Hp. | A Draught For Minor Cuts And Bruises. |
Potion Of Hill Giant Strength | Your Strength Score Changes To 21 For One Minute. | A Sliver Of A Hill Giant’s Fingernail Is Suspended In This Potion, And The Foul Stench Renders It Unpleasant To Swallow. |
Potion Of Invisibility | Become Invisible For 1 Minute. Attacking Or Casting Spells Ends The Status. | You’d Think This Bottle Was Empty But For The Sound Of Sloshing Liquid From Within. |
Potion Of Lightning Resistance | Gain Resistance To Lightning Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | This Potion Causes A Tingling Sensation In The Extremities When Consumed. |
Potion Of Poison | Drink | Don’t Be Fooled, This “Potion” Will Leave You Worse For Wear. |
Potion Of Poison Resistance | Gain Resistance To Poison Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | Popular Among Politicians And Adventurers Alike. |
Potion Of Psychic Resistance | Gain Resistance To Psychic Damage Until Your Next Long Rest. | This Potion, Reminiscent Of Whiskey In Taste But Not Effect, Is Known To Cause Temporary Ringing In The Ears. |
Potion Of Sleep | Become Unconscious For 3 Turns, Status Ends On Taking Damage Or Help Action. | Hypnotic Patterns Swirl Within This Hazy Potion. |
Potion Of Speed | Gain Haste For 3 Turns. | This Solution Ripples And Splashes Of Its Own Accord, Almost Like It’s Trying To Escape The Bottle. |
Potion Of Superior Healing | Recover 8d4 + 8 Hp | A Draught For Curing Serious Injuries. |
Potion Of Vitality | Removes Exhausted Status And Cures Any Poison Or Disease. | A Coveted Restorative For The Adventurer On Their Last Legs. |
Potion Of Fire Breath | Drinking This Potion Grants The Ability To Breathe Fire Once, Causing 4d6 Fire Damage To A Target Within 30 Feet. | Burns More Going Down Than Waterdhavian Rum. |
Potion Of Sleep | Become Unconscious For 3 Turn, Status Ends On Taking Damage Or Help Action. | Hypnotic Patterns Swirl Within This Hazy Potion. |
Potion Of Speed | Gain Haste For 3 Turns. | This Solution Ripples And Splashes Of Its Own Accord, Almost Like It’s Trying To Escape The Bottle. |
Potion Of Vitality | Removes Exhausted Status And Cures Any Poison Or Disease. | A Coveted Restorative For The Adventurer On Their Last Legs. |
Stillborn | Bleeding From The Inside. Suffers 1d6 Piercing At End Of Turn | A Traditional Brew Of Ergot And Nutmeg, Meant For Mothers Who Will Never Be. |
Wilted Dreams | Creature Is Watched From The Shadows, Taking Upon Rest. | Smells Like A Sleep Potion Turned Sour. |
Wyvern Poison | Deals 7d6 Poison Damage, Halved If The Target Succeeds A Dc15 Constitution Saving Throw | As Tasteless As It Is Deadly, Harvested From A Gland At The Bottom Of A Wyvern’s Tail. |
Use a variety of these items to increase your proficiency in battle greatly. Sometimes, using these items will help you save more resources even if you are using these items.
Some examples would be using recovery potions to heal some HP while in battle since potions don’t really count as a main action.