Training Points are a secondary currency used in Madden 24 to improve your team through player upgrades and adding playbooks and uniforms.

Much like Madden coins, adding training points as cost-efficiently as possible is important.

You can get training points by quick-selling players. The amount of training points you get from each player depends on the player’s overall.

You can use these training points to buy playbooks and uniforms for your team, but more importantly, you can use training points to upgrade the attributes of your players.

How to Earn Training Points

Quick Selling

The most direct way of earning training points is by quick-selling cards. Typically you’ll want to quick-sell every low-rated player that you know you’ll never use in an actual game.

You can also quick-sell items that are collecting dust in your item binder.

I recommend going through your item binder every week or so and quick-selling everything you are not using.

Don’t expect a huge individual pay-out from this process, but given how many worthless items Madden throws at you for playing missions and completing objectives, it should add up quickly.

Playing Matches

You will also occasionally be awarded training points by playing MUT head-to-head or against a computer.

This is a fairly inconsistent way of earning training points, as Madden doesn’t really give you a good idea of when and why they award training points.

Buying Packs

There’s also a new feature in Madden 24: a pack that can be bought in the MUT store called the “Training Shuffle” pack.

This pack allows you to gamble on training points by spending 295 training points on a pack that includes a card redeemable for anywhere between 100 and 1000 training points.

Training Point Value and Conversion Guide

If you are on a quest to essentially “buy” training points by using coins to buy players in the auction hub and then flip them for training points, this table shows you how many training points you can get for your coins based on the overall of the player.

Overall Quicksell PointsAverage Coin Price Coins to Training Point Ratio

According to the table, the best value for training points are players at 84 overall.

If you can’t find an 84 overall player at or under 40100 coins, you can look to see if there are any 87 overall players under 170000 coins.

How to Use Training Points

Training points, as well as strategy items, can be used to upgrade the attributes of your top players.

You can check which players you can use training points on by going to your roster and hitting square/X on controller to check a player’s options.

Not every player is upgradable; most upgradable players will be promo cards or cards in specialized sets. Most core cards will have little to no upgrade options.

The upgrades come in the form of specific attribute upgrades or X-factor and superstar ability slots.

These upgrades can turn a cheap mut player into an elite-level beast.

There are also new packs and items that you can buy in the MUT store using trading points, including an 87 overall Headliners champion pack.