One of the most fun aspects of gaming is earning the right to trivial and petty bragging rights over your friends, no matter how small the matter at hand.
This is often achieved by simply beating them in the game. After all, if you beat them, it clearly means that you’re a better player.
But another way to achieve the ability to boast about your superior gaming ability in Madden NFL 23 outside of simply beating them in a head-to-head game is to completely fill up your virtual trophy case by obtaining all the trophies that the game has to offer you.
In today’s article, we’ll go over a full guide for Madden 23’s trophies, how to earn each of them and any small tips and tricks that can make your quest for virtual hardware a quicker and more convenient experience.
Establishing the Format
For today’s guide, the trophies will be broken up by their grade (bronze, silver, gold, or platinum). Each trophy will be listed with three things: the name, the game-provided description, and any tips or tricks we’ve found to help you earn that trophy.
Any trophies that have a description that is self-explanatory with no room for additional tips will not have a tips section listed for it.
Now that we’ve discussed how the trophies will be laid out, let’s get to earning some hardware!
Bronze Trophies
Stud Finder

Description: Draft a rookie with a Hidden Dev Trait.
Tips: Finding rookies with a hidden dev trait can often be difficult, as there’s no guaranteed tell as to which players will have one. However, you can get hints from the draft-related news stories over the course of the season, as players who are the topic of a news story (even negative stories) are more likely to possess a dev trait of “star” or better.
Roster Reshuffle

Description: Complete a fantasy draft.
Tips: Start a fantasy draft in franchise mode and complete the entire draft process. You can even get this trophy if you sim the fantasy draft in question!
Change of Scenery

Description: Relocate a team.
Tips: To relocate a team in Franchise Mode, you must be playing as an owner, and it’s best if your relocation settings in the franchise options are toggled to “all users only” or “everyone (can relocate)”.
From there, you’ll want to select “Manage Team” from the home tab, followed by “Stadium” and “Relocate”. From there, a “Start Relocation” prompt will appear in week 5. You’ll earn the trophy once the relocation has been completed!
Already in Progress

Description: Create a league from a Play Now Live game.
Tips: After playing a Play Now Live game (the option to play a real-life matchup from this NFL season) and hitting “finish game” in the post-game menu, the game will present you with a screen titled “Continue [team you played as] season?”. Simply choose “Yes, play next week” and set up the franchise to claim your trophy!
Throwin’ Dots

Description: Throw a Passing TD using the low throw mechanic.
Tips: To throw a low pass in Madden 23, simply press and hold L2 (or LT) as you press the button to throw to your receiver.
Silver Trophies
The Fortress

Description: Reach max level with your Avatar in the LB position.
Tips: Check out our guide to the best LB builds in Madden 23!
Lockdown Leader

Description: Reach max level with your Avatar in the CB position.
Tips: Check out our guide to the best Madden 23 CB builds.
Ol’ Reliable

Description: Reach max level with your Avatar in the WR position.
Tips: We have a video showing 3 great WR builds here.
Gain Train

Description: Reach max level with your Avatar in the RB position.
Pocket Ace

Description: Reach max level with your Avatar in the QB position.
Tips: Check out our guide to the best Madden 23 Face of the Franchise QB builds.
Future of the Franchise

Description: Reveal a rookie’s X-Factor potential
Tips: As discussed in our development trait guide, any rookies in franchise mode that have a dev trait of “star” or higher will display as having hidden dev until they’ve played 500 snaps. Once those 500 snaps have been played, their true dev trait will be revealed. If that true dev trait for a rookie on your team is revealed to be Superstar X Factor, you’ve earned yourself a trophy!

Description: Win a Head-To-Head game in an online league
Tips: This trophy is specific to beating another human player in an online franchise mode. Winning a normal head-to-head game will not count, and even if you’re in a multi-person online franchise, winning a game against an AI-controlled team will not count.
Lockdown Corner

Description: Win 3 presses in a single game with the same CB
Tips: You must be controlling a CB at the snap and successfully win the press mini-game that happens off the snap of the ball. You may have an easier time earning the trophy by lining up a high-rated CB against a low-rated WR.

Description: Gain yards while using Celebration Loco over the course of a single game
Tips: This trophy is earned by gaining 50 collective yards over the course of a single game (celebration loco is triggered by L2, R2, and X (or LT, RT, and A) while controlling the ball carrier. The 50 yards don’t have to be gained on a single play as long as the separate plays take place in the same game. Be careful when celebrating, as getting hit mid-celebration can easily cause a fumble.
Gold Trophies

Description: Win Rookie of the Year with one of your players
Tips: This trophy is achieved by any player on your roster winning the “Rookie of the Year” yearly award in Franchise Mode. This award is easiest to obtain with a high-performing rookie QB, WR, or RB.

Description: Win MVP with one of your players
Tips: This trophy is achieved by any player on your roster winning the “most valuable player” yearly award in Franchise Mode. This award is by far easiest to obtain with an elite, top-rated QB.

Description: Re-sign a 90+ OVR player
Tips: This trophy is achieved by resigning a player in Franchise Mode who has an overall of 90 or higher. A player will be easier to re-sign if their interests align with your team, and even easier if you offer a contract of the “player friendly” contract preset.
Big Spender

Description: Win a free agent bidding war for a 90+ OVR player
Tips: This trophy is achieved by successfully signing a free agent in Franchise Mode who has an overall of 90 or higher and had at least one other team attempting to sign them. A player will be more likely to sign with you if their interests align with your team, and even easier if you offer a contract of the “player friendly” contract preset.
Bragging Rights

Description: Win the Super Bowl in an online league
Tips: While the super bowl must be won in an online league to earn this trophy, other human players being in the league is not a necessity, as you can earn the trophy in a league full of AI-controlled teams.
Pro Bowler

Description: Play in the Pro Bowl during a Franchise Season
Tips: All you have to do to earn this trophy is play the Pro Bowl game in Franchise Mode which will be available the week before Super Bowl Week. Whether or not any of your team’s players make the Pro Bowl is irrelevant as long as you play the game.

Description: On 3 plays create a sack or tackle for loss after a pass rush move win, using a different rush move each time
Tips: To earn this trophy each sack or tackle for loss must be achieved by a user-controlled player after beating the blocker in the pass rush mini-game, so an unblocked defender will not count. This trophy doesn’t require you to use the same defender for each sack or tackle for loss, so you may find it convenient to switch between defenders who have different strengths in order to fill the “different rush move” quota.
Platinum Trophies
Madden NFL 23 Master

Description: Congratulations on earning every Madden NFL 23 trophy!
Tips: Once you’ve successfully earned all the other trophies we’ve gone over in this list, this final trophy will automatically be earned!
Final Word
Successfully earning all the trophies available to be obtained in Madden NFL 23 is a very rewarding experience, as you have a tangible and visible record of achieving all the tasks that the game sets out in front of you.
By using this guide to speed through the trophy-earning process, you can even brag to all your friends about how you stocked up your virtual trophy case before any of them did! Even if they later earn the trophies themselves, they can never deny the fact that you did it first!
Speaking of being the first to do something, picking up talented young players early enough can make a big difference to the success of your team in Franchise Mode. I recommend checking out our scouting guide so you learn how to identify these future stars early.