Parrots make for cute colorful companions in Minecraft. They fly after you, imitate mob noises, sing, and even sit on your shoulder as you work.
Being able to ride on a player’s shoulder is a relatively unique mechanic. Other mobs like wolves and cats mostly just follow you around, but parrots can come along on your adventures and keep out of sight.
However, parrots are pretty weak with only three hearts of health. This means something like a creeper explosion, some fire, or an arrow from a skeleton can easily kill it.
To make matters worse, healing a parrot is a bit tricky.
So knowing how to get a parrot off your shoulder in Minecraft can be important to keep your pet safe and I’m going to show you how to do it.
Taming a Parrot in Minecraft
Parrots can only be found in the jungle biome and its variants. Sometimes finding a specific biome can be hard with the sheer amount of different biomes in Minecraft, so it may come in handy knowing how to change biomes when needed.
They spawn either alone or in a pair, but are a rare sight, having just 0.2% chance to spawn which is another reason why it’s important to keep them safe and protected.
When you do find your parrot you will probably see it flying around the area.
To tame it make sure you have plenty seeds on yourself; either regular seeds, pumpkin, melon, or any other type of seed you may have found.

Feed the seeds to the parrot until you see heart particles fly around it. Once it’s tamed the parrot will follow you around and when it can it’ll perch on your shoulder.
Remember that parrots cannot be fed to restore their health nor can they be bred to make more of them, unlike breeding Bees.
So keeping them off your shoulders and somewhere safe is an optimal option when venturing outside of your base.
Removing a Parrot From Your Shoulder
A parrot will perch itself on your shoulder whenever it gets the chance. Unless you make the parrot sit in a spot, it’ll follow you wherever you go. If you go too far it’ll teleport to nearby.
You can have a maximum of two parrots on your character, one on each shoulder.
Most of the time parrots are pretty safe on your shoulders, unable to take damage as long as they’re perched.
However, getting them off your shoulder is actually really easy.

The safest way of doing so would be to just jump. Parrots will immediately hop off your shoulder if you jump straight up or hop down a single block. Moving up anything that is higher than half a block will get them off.
Another safe way to get them off would be to hop into water. The parrot will jump off your shoulder and usually swim in the water and follow after you without being able to climb back on.
If you swim far away enough the parrot will teleport right back to you as soon as you climb out of the water onto a solid block.
Finally, the Parrot will get off your shoulder as soon as you lay in a Bed.
Dangerous Ways to Remove a Parrot off Your Shoulder
There’s many more ways to get a parrot off your shoulder in Minecraft, but these can often be dangerous for the player or the parrot. It is very likely your parrot could die in these instances.
One of the less dangerous ways to do this is jumping from a greater height; anything higher than 2 blocks. The Parrot will jump off and slowly fly back to you, giving you a chance to force the parrot to sit before it perches again.
Though remember that jumping down 4 blocks or more will result in taking fall damage.
Another way is to take damage in any way possible. Being hit by a zombie, skeleton arrow, or even taking fire Damage will make the parrot fly off your shoulder.
The most dangerous way, however, would be jumping into lava. Aside from getting rid of your parrot, you’d also take a lot of damage from burning in Lava and the chances of your parrot falling into the lava pool with you are big as well.

If a parrot falls into lava it will certainly die.
Regardless of whatever armor enchantment the player may have on their armor that could protect them, the parrot won’t share the protection. So having the fire resistance enchantment won’t protect your pet.