Audiophile is one of the riskiest quests in Escape from Tarkov. Don’t worry, though, it’s not particularly difficult to finish.
The quest is just locked through a one-use key, which makes it tricky to finish. The quest location is also one of the hottest spawns on the map in the Primorsky 46-48 apartments.
This is why it’s essential to look at how to finish Audiophile in Escape from Tarkov first, so you don’t have to waste the key every time you fail to extract. Plan your routes into the quest building as well as your exit with the comprehensive guide below.
The prerequisite to getting the Audiophile quest is finishing Ballet Lover first from Ragman. You also need the Primorsky 46-49 Skybridge Key for the quest.
The key only has a one-time use, so it might not be available on the flea market.
However, the key has specific spawns in the Streets of Tarkov map. You will need to either farm the key or have a friend with a key open the room for you.
Primorsky 46-48 Skybridge Key Spawn Location

Credits to Jindouz for the amazing scaled Streets of Tarkov map. You can check Jindouz’s Reddit post of the map here.
The key has multiple spawns inside the pub in the residential zone. The pub is marked on the map.
The key can spawn on the bar counter, the shelves behind the bar, the chairs around the pub, on the couch near the duffle bag, the knocked-over barstool, and on a package box in the hallway.
It doesn’t have a 100% spawn rate, so it might take a few raids to get one.
Audiophile Quest
“I have another detective job for you. I have a client, a very good guy. A rocker. I used to sell their band all sorts of stuff when they were playing in our town!
The guy was in Tarkov when it all started, rehearsing at someone’s crib. And then the evacuation started and all that bullshit. So the guy lost his guitar pick… Yeah, man, you’re gonna go looking for a plectrum.
Why are you so surprised? He got that pick from either Hetfield or that hairy, what’s-his-name… The hairy one, you should know! Too-doo-doo, too-doo-doo-doo-doo… Oh, man, they won’t take you to Guess the Tune.
Anyway, find the plectrum, it’s got the AG initials on it, so you won’t mistake it. You have no idea how much a dude is willing to pay for that plastic shit. An address? If he could remember the address, I’d go to the address myself!”
- Locate the musician gathering spot on Streets of Tarkov
- Obtain the engraved guitar pick
- Hand over the guitar pick
Audiophile Location

The Audiophile quest room is located on the rooftop of the building marked on the map.
There are two staircases to the rooftop, but only one is accessible. You can go over to the other side of the staircase once you enter the building.
There are multiple floors you can loot inside, and the spawns here are pretty valuable too.
Loot the rooms near the hole in the ground (go past the hole) and check the tables, chairs, drawers, the oven, and the floor near the oven. These spots can spawn Bronze Lions, Bitcoins, Golden Skull Rings, and other valuable items.

After looting the area, you can go up to the rooftop. Use the map on top for reference because the room is located on the rooftop near the IDEA poster side.

Go across on the rooftop and open the door with the one-use Primorsky 46-48 Skybridge Key.
You can look for valuable loot on the table with the hair brushes in the bedroom. Bitcoins can spawn there. There is also a PC block under the table near the drum set.
Guitar Pick Spawn Locations
Like most of the quests in Streets of Tarkov, this is another interactive loot spawn. You can find the item in multiple spawn locations.
Spawn 1

You can find the guitar pick on the big shelf next to the brown box.
Spawn 2

Look in the bedroom, on top of the dressing table with the hair brushes. There are valuable loot spawns here as well.
Spawn 3

Check inside the little cup on the ground and in front of the drum set.
Spawn 4
Look in the same area as the third spawn, but check on the right speakers of the drumset.
Spawn 5

The guitar pick can also be found on the shelves inside the bedroom, next to the flat iron.
Spawn 6

Look on the table, next to the pencil (edge of the table). This is the table just before entering the bedroom.
Spawn 7

Check the pile of books, specifically on top of the yellow book.
Spawn 8

Look next to the radio set on a small table for the guitar pick.
Spawn 9
You can sometimes find the pick on the bottom of the nightstand next to the bed
Spawn 10
Check next to the blue chair in the bedroom. It is on the floor beside the big package.
Since this is a one-use key, you’ll want to extract as safely as possible because you have to survive and extract it from location with the guitar pick.
How to Extract and Get Some Optional Loot
While you are doing the quest, you should focus on listening out for footsteps. When you’re inside the building, players outside can hear you from outside. Keep an ear out so you don’t get pushed or ambushed.
Here are the extract routes to keep in mind.
If you’re extracting from the Ballet Lover building, there are two main exits to find on the first floor. If you’ve got the You’ve Got Mail quest quest, you can do that on the way out.
You can go out from the back exit and head to a residential zone. This is the best exit if you have the Scav Checkpoint extraction. There will be a playground and a small building in front of you when you exit.
If you have the Population Census quest, you can finish that in the smaller building as well. If not, stick to the right side as you leave and turn left.
Once you get to the end, the Scav checkpoint will be on your right. If you’ve got the Collapsed Crane extract, you can also take this route. Instead of going right to the checkpoint, though, bear left and follow the road straight on.
Look out for the big crane once you get to the intersection.
If you’ve got the Underpass extract, leave the Ballet Lover building and head to the main road. After exiting, stick to the left until you see the sniper warning signs.
Don’t go too far past the warning signs. Keep an eye out for the underpass stairs that go underground. There’s an entrance on each side of the road.
If you want to extract from Klimov Street, you will need to get a green flare.
From the underpass, veer right and go to the back entrance of the Pinewood Hotel. Keep going straight until you see the courtyard outside Pinewood. Stay before Klimov Street and once you reach the area, you will get a notification of ‘Signal area’ on the lower-right side of your screen.
Use the green flare and then wait for it to show up. Once it is up, you can cross Klimov Street and extract. As long as you have a green flare, you’ll be fine as this extraction is always open.
V-Ex is another option, but it will be a very long run if you choose this extraction option. You will have to cut through the Concordia zone, stick to the evacuation zone extraction, and keep going to the V-Ex.
If you’re looking to increase your Fence reputation or finish the Dangerous Road quest, this method is worth doing.
What to Do Next
Finishing the Audiophile quest will finish up your questline with Ragman, so there are no particular quests to focus on next.
There are some that link to quests that you may have already been working on, though. If you finished the Population Census quest while working on Audiophile, you can head to the zone for the Urban Medicine quest next.
There are so many quests in Streets of Tarkov, and it is best to do them together if they are close to each other.