Minecraft allows players to explore various lore elements during every stage of its gameplay. One attractive late-game mechanism that most Minecraft players admire is the Conduit, a magical device.
In Minecraft, you can use various compounds to create distinct mechanisms. Redstone, for example, allows you to craft numerous systems and devices by using one of the game’s energy sources: Redstone power.
The game also offers different energy sources, like Conduit power.
Each power source in Minecraft has a specific goal. For instance, Redstone works as an alternative to standard electricity. On the other hand, Conduit power works as a sorcerous force that provides players with valuable in-game buffs.
In this guide, I’m going to show you how to make a Conduit in Minecraft.
Minecraft Conduit Recipe
- 8 Nautilus Shells.
- 1 Heart of The Sea.

The conduit is a magical entity; it resembles a beacon with sorcerous properties. It can attack specific mobs and provide the player with passive advantages.
Its name refers to a craftable item as well as a construct that you build with it.
This item is scarce and highly difficult to craft. To build it, you’ll need:
Nautilus shells are tough to get; you can pull one up while fishing with a 0.8% chance if you’re lucky. Depending on the fishing rod’s “Heart of the sea” level your prospects can get up to 1.9%.
Other ways of getting a nautilus shell include looting from the drowned. These mobs have a 3-8% chance of spawning with a nautilus shell in their offhand, which drops after you kill them.

You can also buy a nautilus shell from wandering traders, who can sell you up to five shells, each costing roughly five emeralds.
Unsurprisingly, the heart of the sea is even tougher to get.
This rare item only exists inside buried treasures. So, you’ll need to find a shipwreck first, dive through it and access its chest, get lucky enough to find a “Buried treasure map” inside, and travel to the map’s location. Take a shovel with you.
After acquiring the eight nautilus shells and the heart of the sea, you’re all set to craft a conduit. Find a crafting table and follow the recipe.
What Are Conduits For?
As mentioned, conduits carry magical properties. You can use them to assist you in specific ways inside the game.
The energy power that conduits carry is known as “Conduit power,” which grants distinct effects on players and mobs inside a specific area. It’s essential to be aware that this mechanism and the conduit power only work underwater.
The only exception that excludes the player from having to be underwater is rain. The conduit’s power continues to grant effects if the player is in the rain.
Activating a Conduit
Although we’ve already seen how to craft a conduit, you’ll need to know how to activate it. You won’t be able to benefit from its effects just yet; if you place it anywhere, it will just be a conduit lying on the floor without doing much.

The saga doesn’t end after you craft it; activating it is a whole different process. So let’s discuss how it is done.
First, you have to make sure to place the conduit underwater; take an ocean, for example, and find a spot close to the bottom. Ensure that the conduit doesn’t sit on the ocean’s floor; it needs to stay a few blocks above the ground, with no walls next to it.
At a minimum, the conduit must be at the center of a 3x3x3 volume of water. Look at how I did:

Now, you still won’t be able to activate the conduit. To do so, you’ll need to build a specific cage-like structure around the conduit. In addition, this cage must be entirely prismarine; it can be prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, or simply prismarine.

More precisely, you’ll need 42 prismarine blocks to get all the benefits from the conduit. The only exception you can use instead of prismarine is sea lantern blocks.

You can find prismarine blocks in underwater temples and monuments; they’ll be composing some of these structures’ walls and floors, generally emitting a decorative green or blue coloration.
To place them around the conduit, ensure that the “cage” will have walls at least one block away from the conduit. From all sides, the conduit must have a “+” shaped wall containing five blocks horizontally and five blocks vertically. See below what I mean:

You’ll need to make six sides to the cage so that it will close up around the conduit.
Remember to remove any block that stays adjacent to the conduit. After fully building the structure, the conduit will activate by itself.
As mentioned earlier, the conduit’s range can vary, depending solely on its cage size. You’ll get the conduit’s full range of 96 blocks by following the setting above. You can cut the cage short and downsize it or remove some prismarine. However, this will shorten the conduit’s range.
A shorter frame or cage will also result in the conduit’s inability to attack hostile mobs.
The minimal blocks you can use in a conduit to activate is 16. The radius of the conduit will increase by 16 blocks for every 7 blocks added to the frame.
Prismarine Blocks | Conduit Radius |
16 blocks | 36 blocks |
21 blocks | 48 blocks |
28 blocks | 64 blocks |
35 blocks | 80 blocks |
42 blocks | 96 blocks |
You’ll know that the conduit is active after it performs an animation, expanding and showing some sort of magical flow inside it. Whether you activate it or not, the conduit will emit a light level of 15, the brightest value in Minecraft.

You can place the conduit on land and, although it won’t activate, it will emit a light level of 15.
The conduit power’s effects on the player enhance the following: water breathing, night vision, and haste. As a result, any player in the conduit’s area of influence will be able to breathe underwater, see more accurately, and mine faster while underwater.
It will also allow you to sleep on a waterlogged bed in the water.

More precisely, the player’s mining speed will increase by 16.7%.
The conduit can also attack mobs within an 8 block radius. However, to enable this, the conduit’s frame must be fully built, with 42 prismarine blocks in its figure.
Conduits are pretty valuable defensive mechanisms in the water; they damage any hostile or aggressive mob on an 8 block reach. While underwater, you’ll see conduits act against drowned, guardians, and elder guardians.
The damage the conduit can deal to a mob is 2 hearts of damage every 2 seconds, but it will only attack a single mob at a time.
Disassembling it
To disassemble a conduit, you can use any in-game tool or your character’s hand. Still, the quickest instrument to remove it is the pickaxe. Breaking it will turn it into a dropped item.
You can also simply remove the frame in order to deactivate it.