Although not available in vanilla Minecraft, Bronze is a compound known in many Minecraft Java modpacks that you can download via Curseforge.

One of the most popular mod packs available that give you bronze access as a compound is the Feed The Beast (FTB) mod pack. FTB allows the creation of metallurgy that vanilla players don’t have.

In addition, the aforementioned mod pack adds various useful resources, such as pink slime, which can also be a metallurgy expansion.

There’s plenty that you can do with bronze, and it has some great applications for forestry, thanks to its place as an ingredient in the sturdy casing. Now, let’s discuss how to make bronze in Minecraft.

What is Bronze?

Bronze is an alloy, meaning it needs two or more metals to mix and create a better product with more desirable characteristics. In the case of bronze, only two ingredients are necessary: copper and tin. Therefore, the mixture to create bronze is three parts copper and one part tin.

Tin in the FTB pack has a source mod of IndustrialCraft2, and you can typically find the material at Y levels 0-40. Yet, it tends to be more common at the higher levels. Moreover, it has applications in making energy products like RE Batteries and Empty Cells.

In addition, it appears in ore form, which requires either smelting or pulverizing. We will discuss the differences and their impacts furthermore.

Although copper is now available in Vanilla Minecraft, the copper in Feed the Beast is different in terms of generation levels. With the source mod being IndustrialCraft2, we know that the generation for copper will be between Y levels 10-70 with a max vein size of 10.

Of course, copper also has plenty of use on its own, but when you combine it with tin, it can be a handy tool, especially for lumbering.

How do I make Bronze Ingots?

There are two ways to make bronze: with ingots or dust.

If you have access to a pulverizer, you can crush the ore into dust, then use three copper dust and one tin dust to create bronze dust, which you can process into a bronze ingot when heated with an Iron Furnace.

The other way is to simply forge the bars in a furnace and combine them at a crafting table. Although it may seem more arduous, pulverizing provides benefits. For example, pulverizing the material results in two dust units and provides a 5% chance of receiving powdered iron. 

You can also cook pulverized iron to provide an iron ingot.

Additionally, one can also crush copper into two dust units with a 5% chance of getting powdered gold. So, even though pulverizing requires more work, it yields double the resources from each of the ores. 

If you’re looking to produce a lot of both, then a mining spree and a long pulverizing session is the best way to achieve more materials.

What Can I Do with Bronze?

Bronze has a lot of applications on its own, including everything from machinery components, sturdy casing, IndustrialCraft2’s tools, and armor. So, a good supply of bronze can provide much handy stuff, especially if you’re planning on starting forestry projects.

Bronze as armor isn’t anything extraordinary. However, it does provide 30% more durability than iron.

Additionally, bronze isn’t that challenging to find when exploring a mine. Nevertheless, the recipes are the same as crafting any type of armor in Vanilla Minecraft.

Bronze provides an excellent alternative armor that surpasses iron but stays behind diamonds. Still, bronze’s availability in most terrains makes it an optimal material to gather on the early game.

Using bronze to make tools is an excellent approach, providing resilient tools for gathering resources before reaching diamonds. Besides, bronze tools lend 30% more durability than iron.

Finally, you can use bronze to create the IndustrialCraft wrench and the Forestry wrench. The forestry wrench is handy for gathering logs quickly, much like the sturdy casing.