Corsair Cove in OSRS provides a number of valuable resources and monsters to fight. In fact, the location provides some of the best resources and monsters for free players.
Some of these resources include mithril and adamantite rocks, lobster, tuna , and swordfish fishing spots, as well as maple and yew trees. The nearby Corsair Cove Dungeon features a number of Ogress Warriors and Ogress Shamans.
The Ogresses are notable as some of the few free-to-play monsters able to drop rune items, including the rune battleaxe and rune full helm.
In this guide, I’ll teach you how to get to Corsair Cove in OSRS so you can get your hands on these lucrative resources.
Quest 1: The Corsair Curse
Accessing Corsair Cove in RuneScape can be done in a few simple steps. First, you must begin the quest “The Corsair Curse” to gain access to the small dock area. It’s a simple, free-to-play quest with no requirements, but I’d recommend a combat level of 20.
You can start the quest by speaking to Captain Tock, who is just north of Port Sarim. I would recommend playing the quest all the way through, and this task can be made significantly easier with the RuneLite client and the “Quest Helper” plugin from its Plugin Hub.

If you leave Corsair Cove without finishing the quest for whatever reason, you can get back to the port by speaking with Captain Tock again. However, he will be located by the docks in Rimmington, instead of where you found him near Port Sarim.
After finishing the quest, you can sail back to Corsair Cove by talking to Cabin Boy Colin on Rimmington’s west end. However, there are a few more steps to obtain access to the Corsair Cove Resource Area, where the aforementioned Fishing and Woodcutting spots are located.
Quest 2: Dragon Slayer I
An NPC named Haris will guard this area, and prevent you from entering unless you have completed the quest “Dragon Slayer I.” This quest is the ultimate free-to-play adventure, requiring 32 Quest Points (most other F2P quests) and the ability to kill a level 83 dragon.
You can start “Dragon Slayer I” by talking to the Guildmaster outside the Champion’s Guild, located south of the Grand Exchange. You must have the aforementioned 32 Quest Points before you can start the quest.

Completing this quest is one of the most important steps in any player’s OSRS journey, and learning to unlock Piety is a similarly important step that will come later.
Alternative Travel Methods
Additionally, there are several other methods of getting to Corsair Cove in OSRS, if you’re a member. For example, you can bypass the rocks in the south of the Feldip Hills into the Cove if you have 10 Agility.
Speaking of Agility, you can take a shortcut into the Resource Area with 30 Agility and “Dragon Slayer I” complete. This shortcut can be found southwest of the Feldip Hills Hunter area.
Alternatively, if you’ve completed the quest “Tree Gnome Village,” you can use a spirit tree to get to Feldip Hills, then run east. Or, you can simply charter a ship to Corsair Cove. These ships can be very useful in getting to Harmony Island, as well.

Charter ships can be found in the following locations: Brimhaven, Catherby, Musa Point, Mos Le’Harmless, Port Khazard, Port Phasmatys, Port Sarim, Port Tyras, the Ship Yard, and Prifddinas. Keep in mind, some of these locations may be locked behind quests.
You can access Corsair Cove in OSRS in a couple of simple steps.
Complete the easy, no requirement quest “the Corsair Curse,” and you’ll be able to travel to the Cove.
Then, complete the quest “Dragon Slayer I” to unlock full access to the area’s resources.