Outriders is an interesting example of a game that did everything correctly, but didn’t excel in anything; at least not enough to become an actual classic.
As you can probably attest to yourself, it’s fun for a dozen hours or so. Its endless array of battle arenas littered with trenches and crates for cover and droves of enemies to shoot your way through will hold your attention for a while.
However, while Outriders is undeniably an entertaining game, it may start wearing out its welcome pretty soon. The loot mechanics may captivate you for days, but probably not weeks; the same goes for its variety of levels.
So, what happens when you want to play other games like Outriders to quench that thirst for a shooter with slight RPG elements? We’ve prepared an extensive list of titles that fit that exact description, so read on! Here are the best 7 games like Outriders.

If you’re wondering what the visceral and gratuitous combat of Outriders reminds you of, a quick Google search will tell you that the same folks from People Can Fly developed Bulletstorm as well — the famously trigger-happy shooter.
Before we jump into the gun-blazing ridiculousness any deeper, it’s worth pointing out that the game got a remaster a couple of years ago. The new release is Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition.
While FPS remasters have become quite popular in the past few years (Call of Duty, we’re looking at you), not all of them have been as welcome or warranted as Bulletstorm. The original game was a breath of fresh air in the 2011 EA lineup, and from today’s perspective, all it really needed was a graphics tuneup.
So, what is the game actually like? Well, People Can Fly wanted to take the hulky, brutish design of Gears of War games, put it in an FPS instead of a TPS game, and make it a hundred times more violently mad. The resulting mutation is a shooting game that loves shooting like few other games before, or since.
It saw violence as an extreme sport — some of the game’s scoring mechanics seemed more fit for a skateboarding competition than a game about killing. You gained boosts and points for particularly inventive shots that the game called ‘skillshots’, and the same goes for showy executions.
Players could, then, spend these points on upgrades that allowed for even more powerful and ridiculous violence — a bloody fun gameplay loop, quite literally.
Back 4 Blood

Had Back 4 Blood not been designed by the folks that originally brought us Left 4 Dead, this could easily be seen as a cheap knock-off game.
The premise is, at first glance, nearly identical: you and your friends choose four characters in the midst of a zombie apocalypse and go through maps in an attempt to survive the inevitable onslaught of the undead.
However, Back 4 Blood alters the L4D premise pretty quickly. In Left 4 Dead, you played as a couple of average joes that are just scrambling to reach a safe zone. However, Back 4 Blood puts in the role of seasoned zombie killers — mercenaries who destroy infestations, rescue civilians from danger, and scavenge supplies for the remaining human settlements.
If Left 4 Dead represented the early Walking Dead episodes when everyone was still coming to terms with what was going on and escaping the chaos, Back 4 Blood is more similar to later years when all of the survivors have become expert zombie killers.
The game also brings more variety in terms of character choices. The choice of a Left 4 Dead character was mostly a cosmetic affair. However, here you’re choosing people with different starting abilities, which then intersect with the game’s other notable design solution: decks.
That’s right, B4B players collect unlockable cards and use them to build decks, each of which provides different effects, from huge gameplay changes to small health bonuses. At the start of a level, each player draws and handpicks a couple of these cards.
All in all, there’s definitely enough original stuff here to warrant giving the game a chance. It’s one of the best zombie games on PS5, and fans of games like Outriders will love the fast-paced, intense combat that it offers.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Are you ready to laugh as you’ll loot? Then this run-and-gun co-op shooter will be right up your alley: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.
Even the quickest glance is enough for most people to think that it looks an awful lot like a Borderlands game, and that’s because it actually is. It’s a fantasy-themed spinoff of the RPG shooter, created after a particularly successful Tiny Tina DLC for Borderlands 2.
This is a game set within Borderlands, where Tiny Tina is the dungeon master for that universe’s version of a Dungeons and Dragons game: Bunkers and Badasses. The result is a mix of the classic fantasy tropes you know and love, a whole bunch of guns, and plenty of insane violence.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands are just that — the more wondrous version of the gritty Borderlands universe, but just as larger-than-life and nonsensical. Just like with the main franchise entries, we’d be lying if we said that every single joke lands, but there are plenty of memorable and ludicrous moments in the game’s chaotic world.
And while your mileage might vary on the writing, there’s no denying the fact that there’s some stellar voice acting to enjoy in this title. The classic FPS mayhem of Borderlands is beautifully twisted with the quasi-fantasy setting, and the end result is something genuinely memorable.
The Division 2

The second game in the Division series of co-op multiplayer shooters provides us with a far richer campaign experience compared to the first game. The side-quests in the open world are much more varied and enjoyable, while the number of filler missions has been drastically reduced.
And once you reach the endgame, you’ll find that it’s a different beast compared to the hours that preceded it. The world is dynamic and alive enough to keep the whole experience feeling fresh from start to finish.
Also, all of the game’s challenges and side activities become progressively more difficult as you level up, giving you enough of an incentive to keep playing.
Still, if you didn’t have any fun with the first Division or its two years’ worth of DLC updates, the sequel probably isn’t enough of a revolutionary departure to grab your attention. It’s, by and large, a vastly improved version of the formula established by the first game.
There’s that militaristic Tom Clancy vibe, loot rewards, player skills that cleverly interact with each other, and difficult third-person shootouts between player teams. We do feel the need to point out that the progression in this game was much better compared to the first one.
The experience points and loot you get from different sources make each upgrade look and feel like the logical progression of your skills throughout the game. Also, the mission design deserves some praise as well.
All things considered, the game is a perfect pick for fans of games like Outriders.
Destiny 2

Games like Destiny are extremely popular, and for good reason.
It’s clear that MMORPGs have had a huge influence on multiplayer shooters in the past couple of years, and apart from classic arena shooters like Overwatch and the battle royales like Fortnite, the MMOFPS hybrid is the most popular FPS genre at the moment.
This is, largely, thanks to the rise of the first Destiny game, made by the FPS veterans at Bungie who also created most of the Halo games.
And the second Destiny game leans even more heavily on its MMORPG roots. The missions are equivalent to quests, most of the progression focuses on loot, and there’s an enticing overarching story that leads you through all of the game’s zones and missions.
In terms of the story and world-building, you wouldn’t be wrong to draw comparisons with Bungie’s previous Halo titles. Still, that’s just the superficial sci-fi ‘skin’— once you delve deeper into the story, it will remind you of a WoW-like epic.
So, how is the actual gameplay? In one word: great.
The beginning sees you picking one of the three available classes and creating your avatar. Each of these classes has its own movement skills and combat abilities, ensuring that no two playthroughs are the same.
Over the course of the game, you’ll wander through the various zones and complete different quests, much like in any MMO, there’s both PvP and PvE content.
Oh, and did we mention that the base game is free-to-play? You’ll have dozens of hours of content before you need to pay for the DLC, which is always nice. If you’re a fan of games like Outriders but want to try something sci-fi themed, this is the ideal game for you.
Aliens: Fireteam Elite

While Alien: Isolation might be one of the best Aliens game ever created — it’s not the only modern game you can play if you’re drawn to the franchise. Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a worthwhile pick for Outriders fans to check out.
If you’re expecting the clever, sterile horror game that you spend being hunted by primal threats that could be lurking anywhere, know that this isn’t a sequel to that. Instead, Fireteam Elite takes a page out of the (arguably less praised) sequels in the Aliens franchise, which had a fair amount of wacky shooting and schlock.
If you’re someone who enjoyed those sequels as much as the originals, this is the game for you, bringing a ton of explosive, dumb fun and gameplay reminiscent of Gears of War or the first Left 4 Dead game.
It’s a decidedly mid-budget game but competently made. The story is as sparse as it is cheesy, and the game mainly relies on its potential for battling Aliens in co-op to draw in players. Of course, you can also play singleplayer with AI bots, but that would mean depriving the game of its main draw.
Anyways, there are four chapters in the game, each of which contains three missions. All of them are set in classic Aliens locations, such as bases near Aliens’ slimy lairs, metal corridors, and ancient cosmic temples.
It’s not the most memorable game you’ll ever play, but if you’re itching for some decent co-op shooting; it certainly holds its own.

Every once in a while, a game comes along that doesn’t try to do anything fancy or reinvent its genre — and it actually does a decent job at keeping players entertained with a solid gameplay loop and sufficient content.
Godfall is, similarly to Outriders, one of those games. The campaign of the game is extremely replayable, as the various difficulty ratings provide a markedly different experience.
There isn’t anything particularly revolutionary here in terms of the shooter-looter FPS-RPG hybrid — but the different rewards you get for higher-tier difficulty settings and missions gives people enough incentive to keep playing.
In terms of weapons, you can pick from one of the five classes and perfect your playstyle with them by equipping and unlocking stat-altering armor sets. It’s a classic three-player co-op action experience, and it’s a bit more polished than Outriders while retreading the same ground.
It’s one of the best FPS titles on PS5, and highly worth checking out.